How many of you Ex Jehovah's Witnesses married early and it was a disaster?

by isnrblog 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I married at 29, she was 24. It lasted 16 years.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I married at 17 he was 21.

    It lasted 18 miserable years, because divorce was not an option.

    Another reason it lasted so long was because of my extreme ignorance, if i had been a little older with a little experience, I would have known how completely rediculous our marraige was.

    Instead of year after year, banging my head against the wall, trying to make the impossible work.

    FU GB!

  • MissingLink

    Married at 20. 17 years on things are still good.

  • NewYork44M

    I was a good 19 year old witness in 1976 and wanted to have sex. The only way to accomplish this was to get married.Thus I married at 19.

    I figured that the problems that we had in the marriage could be resolved after Armageddon. You may or may not be aware, but Armageddon did not come. My now ex wife blames that fact on me.

    Fifteen years ago I decided I no longer wanted to be associated with the witnesses. Because the wife was a hardcore witness she made my life increasingly difficult.

    At 49 I had enough. I finailzed the divorce last year.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I got married to "worldly" girl almost immediately after I was DF'd at 18. I was divorced a year and a half later. In truth, I was a terrible husband. I still had not shaken off the JW mindsets. Therefore, I was needy, suspicious, over-bearing, felt that she needed to be more submissive, etc. I felt that I needed to have all control over bank accounts, etc. I was pretty condescending and closed-minded. I really feel bad about it now. (I don't act that way anymore.) My current marriage is splendid.

  • reneeisorym

    Married at 18 ... Divorced at 23

  • zenpunk

    Married at 23 (which is considered a spinster in the JW world). Finally splitting up at 37.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Married at 19 , divorced at 21

    Without exaggerating the divorce rate with the witnesses that I at least knew was about 50%

    Which might actually be higher than the nation average.

    In comparison to other religions, and I''m speaking on the devout, like Mormons, Catholics, and the others, JWs might be the highest if you were to group them together.

    Even the Muslims don't have that kind of divorce rate

  • MissingLink

    I saw from an independent source in 2001 that JWs did in fact have the lowest divorce rate. It wasn't drastically lower than any other group though, not like they'd have you believe. Just 1% better.

  • isnrblog

    It wouldn't surprise me if the divorce rate was low.

    I know many couples who are just hanging on, being kept in line by the disfellowshipping threat.


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