How I survived being starved, beaten and tortured by my Jehovah's Witness..

by Dogpatch 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    An Absolute Monster.

    Stunning. Mind numbing. I am not comfortably numb though.

    If she is still alive, her cellmates need to read this.


  • Finally-Free

    14 years for what she did? This scum sucking witch should have just been taken out back and shot, since she's a total waste of flesh and is simply taking up space on planet earth.

    It's people like this that makes me hope there IS a burning hell.

    That's not much different from what I said in my comment on the site. I said I hoped the other prison inmates would burn her to death in the exercise yard. It seems my comment didn't pass their reviewing process, because it's not there.


  • sf

    Ah, so she is still serving time. How can her cellmates see this book and news? ( yes, i'm DEAD serious)

    Scroll down a bit for early news articles.

    Happy trails.



    So sorry

    Thanks for sharing



  • fokyc

    And yet more to come soon:

    Child C: Surviving a Foster Mother's Reign of Terror by Christopher Spry

    Not yet published, which newspaper is going to grab this one?


  • Gill

    I have only read the 'Daily Mail Article' but it seems from reading that (and not this lady's book) that Eunice Spry being a JW was totally irrelevant.

    How very bizarre!

    There is no sadness over lost Christmas, Birthday, Bonfire Night etc celebrations! There is no mention of boring bible studies and meetings! There is no mention of going out in Field Misery! What can this mean? There is a small mention of Eunice Spry keeping her JW books in a cupboard under the stairs but other than that the JW religion appears to be non existent in the growing up process for this young woman. So was Eunice a real dubbie or just a pretend dubbie?

    Some how, this strikes me as a bizarre story simply because she is trying to paint the religious back ground of her abuser as being part of her suffering and yet there is not a mention of what all of us who grew up as dubbies remember!

    Something rings strangely odd with this story!

    Am I alone in not trusting everything that is said in this. Read the stories of 'spiritual abuse' that many of us suffered and this story does not match the many. not 'quite' right with the JW angle to this.

  • Gill

    There seems to be a lot of money to be made in the 'I was abused' book publishing world!

    Something smells slightly rotten!

    How does someone come back so fast from a life time of suffering and not mention what part their step mother's religious beliefs did to them psychologically and how it affected their horizons, perspectives, beliefs etc.

    Very odd! Very strange!

  • carla

    If you read what the girl wrote, going to jw meetings were at times the only time they got out of the house. I thought I read in a news story about this case and a child was abused and/or humiliated at the kh. Your trying to protect the jw's in this case will not hold up. There is no way the elders did not know these children were being abused. As someone else said, the woman being a jw fed her already existing insanity. Because the girl does not go into detail about being a jw and the abuse of that lifestyle could be because it may pale in comparison to the horrors she faced on a daily basis. .

    I fail to see why it disturbs you to have this woman exposed as a jw when she clearly was. It is the jw's who make the claims to be the happiest, have the best lifestyle to live, better, more righteous, no crime, no pedophiles like the evil Catholics, love their children, etc..... Well, if your going write that stuff, go around knocking on doors telling everyone how wonderful your org is, you are going to have a longer way to fall down from that high pedestal you put yourself on.

  • fokyc

    The children were MORE regular at the meetings than their step/foster mother was!

    One of them was baptised (Cardiff, Summer Convention 2005) after the case started (early 2005) and she goes on the service etc. still,

    BUT has started telling people she is Charlotte!!!

    Charlotte was left the farm in trust and was killed in an RTA around 2000

    Perhaps the children were after the properties? In one paper valued at £1.25 million ($2.5 million)

    Interesting, would make a good movie.


  • Gill

    Carla - The point I am making is that in that excerpt there is no mention of her JW life. That is what I find odd.

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