A calmer, more serene, moment in time.....

by AK - Jeff 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut

    Regardless of our woes with our beliefs and our turmoils with adults, our hearts will
    never be sorry for deciding to care for children. Any difficulty in retirement will be
    overcome by a deep satisfaction that you did the right thing.

    Great to hear that you have a moment in time that is serene.

  • shell69

    These young children are so very lucky to have you. I truely admire your comitment to them, and their wellbeing.

    You are kind precious people, enjoy the serene moment you are experiencing, enjoy the time with these youngsters whilst they are growing.

    I can sense through your posts that you'll do everything within your power to give them a safe and happy childhood.

    Kindest thoughts and best wishes. When you get your new carpet, remind the kiddies to take off their shoes!

    Shell ((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))

  • moshe

    I pray that everything works out. I am 57 and we are raising an 8 year old girl we adopted, so I know what you are dealing with. It will all be OK, my friend

  • wings

    I am also raising my grandchildren, age 3 and 4. Both girls, both precious. Long story, but I know how hard the acceptance is, and how VERY hard to let go of hoping in the mother to come through for you.

    As for a calmer, more serene, moment in time....? I just asked my daughter (the mother) to leave after a two week trial here with the kids. She stole some money from me which left my bank account in the red and I don't get paid until the 1st. Yet, just knowing she will be gone has given me more internal peace than I have had in some time.

    I understand.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    You and your wife are exceptional people. Those children are blessed to have grandparents like the both of you. Thank you for being such a great example of what love is really all about.


  • joanne_

    HI AK

    Exactly what Gopher said. You and your wife are doing the right thing. It wont be easy, but its the right thing to do. Your grandchildren will love you for this.

    May you have peace and strength Joanne

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey AK Jeff,

    You are doing the right thing. I am sure there will be more challenging moments ahead, but I think you have the courage and wisdom to take on anything that comes your way.

    If there is such a thing as good karma - you'll be getting a boat load back.

    Peace and happiness to you and your family in the days and years ahead!

    The Oracle

  • Carmel

    HEY, good onya Jeff! You won't regret the effort to raise your grand kids. We did the same with our only grandson. Got him through highschool and equally important, got him off the seven different drugs the "experts" had him on. He's now in Alaska with his dad and thriving. We have good friends that had a similiar experiance with their daughter that got hooked on Crack. She's in and out of jail and living on the street inbetween incarcerations. Her kids spent a year with their maternal grandparents but are now in Mexico with the father's relatives. They are wonderful and the kids are doing really well being away from an alcoholic dad and a drugy mom. At least the kids know both sets of grandparents love them and will make any sacrafice to see that they are nurtured and have the opportunity to grow up normal. Wish I could give you and your wife a hug! carmel

  • WingCommander

    Jeff: I want you to think of something. If I recall correctly, you are the one that left your missionary position in Africa or some 3rd World hole, and came to your senses, no? I think you are that guy. Anyway...consider this.... Consider if you hadn't "woke up", left your missionary position (After being held up or something, right?) and started to question the publishing company that sent you there. If all of those things hadn't happened in that order, would you have been in the exact position you were in 3 years ago in which to take in your grandchildren? Probably not. You'd still be in that 3rd world country knocking on doors and being robbed. Instead, it seems it worked out in your grandchildrens (And your) favor for the better. I hate **shudder** when I hear some religious zealot say, "Well, that's God's will," usually in a time of despair, but in other times I kind of think that the case. If the series of events hadn't unfolded in the order they did, where would you be? Just something to ponder....time and sequences of events and roads left untraveled and paths turned around on. Weird sh*t. I need to stop drinking Southern Comfort and Coke before bed. Just remember, you are following Jesus advice no matter what the Dubs think of you, as you are, "looking after widows and orphans," looks like you got the orphans down pat. Quick, hurry up and find some widow and you'll be in total fulfillment of Jesus' commandments! Regards, Wing Commander :)

  • oompa

    AK, I had no idea. You are an inspiration for us all. Nobody chooses to raise grandkids, and you do not have to take this on, but you and your wife did. Forget aid to Africa, look how many many people here do not have people like you looking out for them. A program should be set up for that. You and your wife should be at the very top of the food chain, and us grunts should help feed you.....oompa

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