What type of person are you attracted to now?

by Layla33 88 Replies latest social relationships

  • Layla33

    I was just thinking about this the other day, about how my ideas of a romantic partner have changed since being a JW.

    Growing up, I thought I would marry a very upstanding JW, we would pioneer together, do missionary work, have children, see the world. (Never had any thoughts about Bethel, though.) So what it boiled down to was a stepford husband, up tight, not the least bit sexual, closed minded bore.

    So now that I have grown up, seen the world, been married (and actually picked a good man the first time, although it didn't work out), I just contrast that with what I am attracted to now.

    I like them open minded, earthy, I love artistic types because I am a published writer, hair doesn't matter to me (long/short, bald, etc), challenges convention, very sexual, still like a traveling man.

    I am just curious if you anyone else can compare and contrast how their ideas have changed since breaking out the group-think of the JW organization.

  • zeroday

    Female and breathing...

  • UnConfused

    LOL LOL LOL @ zero

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    A truly good person and obviously not a jw

    It's very hard to find a nice wholesome compassionate person when they are constantly are being told they are special and all of their sins are forgiven on a daily basis

    it can not create a honest and truthful character profile

  • Abandoned

    Honesty. Oh, and can't get enough of me.

  • UnConfused

    Someone in their 40's (or close), disproportionally hot, funny and rich.

  • tijkmo


    was gonna say breathing but...well why limit myself

  • Xena

    I've always been one for the nice guys. I've never understood why women want bad boys. Gimme a man who treats me right anytime!

  • Crumpet


    was gonna say breathing but...well why limit myself

    SNORT! LMAO! I'm attracted to the deviant variety - doesnt matter what gender.

  • dawg

    I like hippie chicks.... I'm a hippie and must change the photo on my avitar..I'm growing my hair long as hell and don't look like htat anymore.

    I want a gal that'll go to concerts with me, UGA football with me, eat a magic brownie with me, and hang with the guys. Just a good ole gal....

    But she must keep herself, she must at least care about her looks.

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