Barbara Anderson's Comments from her CD compilation now online!

by Dogpatch 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD

    It would be really nice to see this thread get as much attention as the most recent in-house scandal. This is really what matters most around here. I wish I could do more.



  • BFD

    I would hope that someone who purchased the "Secrets" CD would post on JWD their impressions from reading the Morley case in Oregon secretly settled out-of-court by Watchtower in 2006. There's so much important material in that case which ought to be shared with those who don't have the CD.

    Thank you,


    Any takers?


  • Bryan

    There are not many posts but you need to take into consideration the "Times Viewed" as well.

    Well over 1000.


  • BFD

    That's a good point, Bryan.


  • bluesapphire

    I got the CD to help do my part to help the Andersons but have no time to read it. I really wish summaries would go up somewhere...

  • belbab

    Regarding the Morley case, I am trying to wade through it, but it takes time and mental energy.

    I hope this doesn't lead to others thinking someone else will do it.

    Also I would like to see more information about the Kingdom Hall insurance fund. How much of the payment settlement came from insurance and how much from elsewhere. If this KHAA (?) is an in house insurance scheme, will this payout increase the amounts each congregation pays per publisher per year?

    In the settlement that the California Catholic Church was forced to pay out, it was some 660 million for 580 victims. It was spelt out, how much insurance paid, how much the parish, and how much other Catholic orders came up with.

    Any details anyone?


  • candidlynuts

    i tried posting some stuff about the cd when i first got it but at the time it seemed that some discouraged anyone from posting any summaries.

    hopefully some will post some summaries. i'm interested!

  • flipper

    I agree that it is very important to get this information out about child abuse in the witnesses- as it is much ore common than even comes out publicly. I just started a newbie thread and the first two posters on there told their stories of being abused as children while still in the witness cult.

    The more we can keep informing people about Barbara's CD it will educate and inform those who need to know. Knowledge is power and information received motivates one to action

  • AndersonsInfo

    belbab's questions about the KHAA Insurance program are interesting. I can't provide the answer but hope some ex-elder or elder can.

  • sir82
    If this KHAA (?) is an in house insurance scheme, will this payout increase the amounts each congregation pays per publisher per year?

    It is essentially a self-insurance fund.

    If I recall correctly, the Society sends out a "bill" to the congregations in August or so with the recommended contribution, always expressed as "$X per publisher".

    I'll try to see if the amount increased between the last 2 such letters.

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