What's The *Dumbest* Thing About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    well there are some stupid little things, like a woman having to put a scarf on to pray, or a bunch of women standing around listening to a boy doing the praying, because he's male and they aren't. Or, how they praise themselves for doing the right thing, as if no one on the earth ever does the right thing except JWs. They think the entire world, plus all the angels and demons and god and jesus are watching them every breathing second of life.

  • 5thGeneration


    Yes, I would not let my beautiful daughters die in a car accident by denying them blood.

    BUT, if some really believe some of the blood issues of the WT ...

    The red stuff under the plate of your steak is not blood. The INTENT was still to bleed the animal.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I did not read any of the others due to time constraints, but I have many.

    • No College.
    • Christian Love and concern. We love you brother_____________. Please come back to Jah.
    • Watchtower everthing is better than anything in the world.
    • If u miss several meetings,"You have been out in that old world. Glad 2 see u came back to Jehovah".
    • The end is sooooo close.
    • Random world events mean the end is sooo close. (Katrina and Rita)
    • 1914 / Generation Change
    • The Governing Body
    • 144,000
    • Military (Hummers) vehicles in peoples driveways means the end is close.
    • No blood.
    • 10 hours per month or you are weak and not a good christian.
  • rache31

    Wow, it's hard to pick one! But their willingness to be uneducated in this day and age is big on my list.

  • averyniceguy

    they will not let JW kids play high school sports!!!!

  • Chalam
  • Chalam

    "Someone commented about using the name Jehovah:

    Even the Catholic Church acknowledges "Jehovah"."

    Yes I am not denying the name. However, I have it in my Bible only four times though!

    See here for more info.


    I have "LORD" and "Lord" 6712 times though!

    LORD comes from the Hebrew YHWH. Lord from Kurios in the Greek.

    Also there are many other names of God.

    So taking into account Exodus 3, it seems clear that the name Jehovah is probably not paramount.

    However, one name in the Bible is paramount ("the name that is above every name").

    Philippians 2:8-10 (New International Version)

    8And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    and became obedient to death—
    even death on a cross!
    9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
    10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth

    All the best,

  • freedomfighter

    I haven't got all night.


  • WTWizard

    That they can go out in field circus and waste all that time attempting to get people in, when the most efficient way would be a massive website where everyone on the planet would have quick access to it simultaneously. No need to go door to door--but they refuse that. Instead, they pester people repeatedly that are blatantly not interested (including apostates that are clearly not interested in returning) to the point where they take strong action to state that they are NOT INTERESTED.

    They always take the most inefficient means to do anything. I bet they would take a month to watch 60 Minutes.

  • minimus

    How they waste their time is probably the dumbest thing they do. Driving around in a car, calling on doors when you know no one is there, going to meetings and never ever learning anu=ything new, re-reading the same pablum over and over.....not making the most of their time by schooling, etc.

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