What's The *Dumbest* Thing About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • manicmama

    For me it has to be the shunning. Come on, I'm not old enough to figure out who I should talk to?? And the absolute worst part is telling you not to talk to your own flesh & blood! What gives them the right? Shame on you, you hard hearted bastards!

  • dawg

    Onthewayout, you're a sage.....

    The dumbest thing is that they can't see the GB as nothing more then men.. a bunch of shitting men who's crap stinks just like all of ours. They do not worship God they worship men, and then blur the lines and ask you why you quit "serving Jehovah" as if you not doing what a bunch of men say is not serving God..... Please!

  • mkr32208

    607, hands down dumbest!

    I mean not only could they just open ANY history book but hell take the societies own publications and a calculator and work it out.

  • cognac

    Oh good lord, that mansion, I think its called beth sarim or something for abraham, moses and whoever to live in when they got resurrected... lol

  • momzcrazy

    That Jehovah lived on some galaxy.


    Vaccines are from the devil

    Don't cook in aluminum pans


    Jehovah`s Witness`s are proud to admit..The WBT$ does all their thinking for them!!..Picking NoseNo BrainNo BrainNo BrainPicking Nose.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • BFD
    Oh good lord, that mansion, I think its called beth sarim or something for abraham, moses and whoever to live in when they got resurrected... lol

    I just read today that when Abraham showed up, Rutherfraud had him arrested !


  • littleblueuk

    Besides, everything???

    I will tell you what the most annoying thing is and that is their songbook, the asonine lyrics, how they tried to make everything rhyme, the cheesy cassette tape music through the speakers AND last but not least, how EVERYONE SINGS THE SOPRANO LINE!!!

  • Abandoned
    What's The *Dumbest* Thing About Jehovah's Witnesses?

    That it exists.

  • Chalam

    The worst thing is that they believe the biggest lie of the WTS.

    Christ died for all mankind, not just the 144 000 as the WTS purport, and in believing this they unknowingly exclude themselves from salvation.

    1 Peter 3:18
    For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.

    After all, the New Testament is all about the new covenant (testament means covenant) that we can enter into with God through Christ. Why would this only be for a relatively tiny group of 144 000 who are only mentioned twice in the New Testament?

    As I understand the NWT does not even use the term, New Testament-no wonder, they don't want you asking about it, understanding it or entering into it.

    Luke 22:20
    In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

    The unfounded ruling on transfusions sets the scene for JWs to refuse the blood of Jesus, but the New Testament mentions umpteen times that Jesus' blood is for sinners.

    All the best,

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