Why socialism will not work in America...

by zeroday 254 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Fifth, with what would you personally justify this? I don't want to attack your character but what would your country and countrymen gain from this?

    To the victor belong the spoils. The reason for nearly every war of aggression in history.;-)

    How would the government of the United States convince it's citizenry that Canada needs to be annexed?

    Apparently a good many of your own citizens wouldn't mind.


    I don't see much of a downside myself.

    Notwithstanding the fact that Mexico's superfield Canterall peaked two years ago and is facing massive drop off rate percentages.

    Yep. And those Athabascan tar sands are not the gold mine they have been trumpeted to be. Extraction rates will ramp up slooowly. As in over decades-not nearly fast enough to compensate for production declines from conventional sources. And by the time they are done the region will look like Mordor. There are intimations that the world's largest oilfield, Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, has peaked. If it goes into serious decline the death knell of the Oil Age will have sounded. Actually, there is good reason to believe global production reached its peak in the last quarter of 2006.


  • journey-on


    I understand your points regarding the poor and disadvantaged enlisting. What I don't understand is, if this is so, and there

    is a disproportionate number, what do you propose? These young men and women from these poorer backgrounds perhaps

    see a means to pull themselves out of their poverty-stricken situation and develop a career, get an education, and at the same

    time serve their country. I don't get what is wrong with that? Are you proposing that we not allow them to enlist because they

    somehow are being taken advantage of? I don't see it that way. It's an opportunity....a risk perhaps.....but perhaps a calculated one.

  • Mincan
    Apparently a good many of your own citizens wouldn't mind.

    You know what I find very interesting about those statistics? They state as a total 19.9% of Canadians are in favour of annexation by the United States. During the American Revolutionary War, it has been estimated that only 18% positively/actively supported the Revolution. Fascinating correlation.

    Yep. And those Athabascan tar sands are not the gold mine they have been trumpeted to be. Extraction rates will ramp up slooowly. As in over decades-not nearly fast enough to compensate for production declines from conventional sources. And by the time they are done the region will look like Mordor. There are intimations that the world's largest oilfield, Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, has peaked. If it goes into serious decline the death knell of the Oil Age will have sounded. Actually, there is good reason to believe global production reached its peak in the last quarter of 2006.

    Very impressive. I'm glad I do not need to explain this.

  • BurnTheShips
    Does Canada need to be protected? That is the question. Are there nations or organisations that want to "take Canada out"?

    Recent terrorist activity neutralized by your law enforcement would belie that statement.

    You are extremely ignorant on matters pertaining to economics.

    Really? Would you care to elaborate?

    Just as the United states, there is no anglosphere, other than the institutions that reflect the British common law.

    You are ignorant of what "Anglosphere" means.The word "Anglosphere" does not refer to race or ethnicity. It refers to a common British origin, a common English language, and many other things, a prominent one being British Law, as you yourself note. Here is a link to inform you.


    If you've checked any of the many executive orders that the current President has passed, you would have already realised much of the American judicial and legislative branches have dissolved all power to the executive.

    He will be out of power in a few months.


  • beksbks


    I'm too tired at this point to go back and get a quote from you. I make charitable contributions. I also remember the thread where this was discussed, and as I said there, I have my opinions on why it's skewed. But how much good does my giving someone a meal, a coat, Christmas presents to children, part of my pay check to United Way (whose head was embezzling) etc. etc. Compared to voting for a few dollars in taxes to keep the library open, fund reading programs, health care, school bonds.........and on and on?

  • Mincan
    Recent terrorist activity neutralized by your law enforcement would belie that statement.

    So they were neutralised by our law enforcement?

    Really? Would you care to elaborate?

    Sure, I'll give you one example. US dollar devaluation.

    You are ignorant of what "Anglosphere" means.The word "Anglosphere" does not refer to race or ethnicity. It refers to a common British origin, a common English language, and many other things, a prominent one being British Law, as you yourself note. Here is a link to inform you.

    It refers to ..."British origin" does it...? And as I myself noted the law aspect of it, that is all that I see in my present day Canada of Anglosphere.

    He will be out of power in a few months.

    Will the changes to the laws be out of power in a few months? Exactly why Washington instituted the two-term rule. Carryover.

  • BurnTheShips
    Sure, I'll give you one example. US dollar devaluation.

    I am aware of the devaluation. There are a number of reasons for it. None are very good. The bright spot is export growth, but that is about it.

    Since you seem to enjoy the subject, here are a couple of links you might want to check from time to time.



    I tend to enjoy the second blog more.

    Will the changes to the laws be out of power in a few months? Exactly why Washington instituted the two-term rule. Carryover.

    It is a very bad precedent. At the very least. Some of the laws have an expiration horizon. Let's hope congress does not keep them enforced at the next horizon date.

    It is late. Good night.


  • beksbks
    These young men and women from these poorer backgrounds perhaps

    see a means to pull themselves out of their poverty-stricken situation and develop a career, get an education, and at the same

    time serve their country.

    The point is choice! Did you actually grow up a JW?? Seems we of all people could understand how the deck gets stacked. Why is corporate aid so much more palatable to you people?

    And you still have not answered my question. Exactly what lesson was she trying to teach? That those who are less fortunate deserve to be, because they don't try as hard anyway? Again, were you raised a JW?? Not that the analogy worked anyway, hard won A's can not be compared to decent paying jobs, health care, education, hope for the future......................Move away from the Fox News

  • Mincan
    It is late. Good night.

    Sleep well, it was very enjoyable debating with you tonight. Brandon.

  • restrangled

    So Mincan let me get this straight. You are a white kid from Canada who is implying that that the US Army is made up of "scum" who mostly come from the following demographic....young ghetto dwelling youth.

    Have you ever thought they may want to be there not only because they want to serve their country, but because the military affords opportunities out the wazoo for people who are seeking them.

    Sure, I've thought of that. I know there are many that want to be there. It's sad that to have an opportunity they are reduced to putting their life on the line "for their country", a country that will help them only if they do. Otherwise they can stay in the ghetto and die before the age of 25 or spend a lot of their free time in prison.

    Then to back up your claims, you say this

    I suppose I was too sutble for you.

    My argument was that America sends out those she considers "scum" to protect the interest of the monied elite.

    No, actually, this was:


    First off "America" and most Americans don't consider the militray scum. The people who do are usually the least sophisticated and ignorant of our citizenry. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the military is not predominently made up of underpriveledged urban youth. Quite the contrary, the military has a disproportionate amount of rural and married recruits.



    As someone who grew up in a very liberal household, I cringe when I see posers really do a disservice to the cause by spouting off the stereotypical bull**it and act like they have know what they are talking about. Its particularly disturbing to see grown men who are too wimpy to own what they say. You are the one who introduced the terminology and then in a fit of wimpyness tried to make a case by saying America sends out those she considers "scum" to protect the interest of the monied elite.

    What nonsense.

    I marvel at how the least sophisticated voices spout utter nonsense when it comes to characterizations of the military....and all of the backslapping that goes on around here. Frankie and others feeling sorry for career military who by the time they leave the military are most likely better educated, better skilled and more financially secure than him. Mincan up in Canada championing the cause of protecting the disadvantaged urban youth of America from a solid ticket out of that environment and Frankie concerned about the programming of citizens who by the time they retire will be better educated and more financially set than himself.

    R's Hubby

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