Who's here? Do you want me to throw cyber party?

by changeling 266 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen

    Oh, that's OK then.

    *caps lens*

  • Abandoned

    Oh, that's OK then.

    *caps lens*

    OWWWW! I guess that wasn't a lens after all....

  • brinjen
  • flipper

    Hell, who knows ? Maybe the enchantress did it ? Stranger things have happened Naw, had to be FINALLY FREE . He had a motive.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    AB - no need to deface poor changelings castle walls. If you had only asked.......

  • changeling

    Good morning all, brunch is served in the dinning room for anyone who still has an appetite after last nights happenings.

    Unfortunately, nobody has a clue as to who murdered poor SL. I hope the murderer does not stike again (hint, hint).

    Nvr had one hell of a time cleaning up the gory mess in SL's bathroom. The body now rests in the wine cellar.

    FF's wretched bird is down there with him. We stuck him in an old wine barrell. I will not tolerate birds in my home, especially when one of my guests is allergic!

    -----------Ok guys, I'm off to worship the god of Sunday brunch and then maybe a movie. If you wish to continue the game, have at it. I'll return later. Love ya'll,


  • Abandoned
    AB - no need to deface poor changelings castle walls. If you had only asked.......

    Perhaps young lady, you speak the truth, but alas, with my gimp leg and decaying parietal lobe, the thought of rejection is just too steep.

  • Abandoned

    Where's our lovely hostess, Changling?

  • changeling

    I hope you enjoyed brunch abandoned dear. Seems your physical condition does not allow you to enjoy much in life, except maybe peaking at unsuspecting women though peep holes. What a pity, you were quite the stud muffin back in the day...

  • changeling

    Nvr, would you please go check on Big D? He was the only one who did not show up for brunch. Perhaps you could bring him some Alka Seltzer for his hang over?

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