Did you read the whole Bible when you were a JW?

by outofthebox 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • shell69


    Boring. Yawn.


  • Mulan

    many times, starting when I was very young, about 8 or 9. I tried to read it through every year...............but it usually took 5 or 6 years. Mom told me that if I read 3 chapters a day I could read it in a year. I went to work on that. Of course I missed days, but the first time, I read it in about 2 years. Just reading though............didn't absorb it at all.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Yes, though I was a JW at the time so I read it through their lens.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Interesting. I read the bible way too many times, and in different translations. Yay...

  • JH

    Absolutely not !!!

    Why would I spend additional hours reading the bible, when I already had 5 meetings. The free time I had left, I tried to live a normal life....well almost..

  • outofthebox

    I think, like JH said, the JWs are so busy getting ready for and attending the meetings that they don't have time to read the Bible. Which doesn't make any sense, because if you really want to teach about the Biblie, like they say they do, they need to know what are they teaching about. Isn't it?

    I remember a meeting few days ago about the importance of reading the magazines, The Magazines!!! not the Bible!!! the freaking magazines!!!!, because if you don't know what they say how do you will present them in the service.


  • Athanasius

    I read the book of Exodus in the King James Bible when I was 10 but didn't read the entire Bible until I was 28 and an elder. However, I didn't use the NWT, instead I read the New English Bible which had recently been published. It was much easier to read and understand than the NWT. Later I read the Today's English Version. I often used the New English Bible, the New International Bible, and the Today's English Version in my talks in place of the NWT.

    Though reading these other Bible translations didn't cause me to suddenly leave the JWs, they did cause me to question the Watchtower for using an inferior translation. And this led to other questions and my eventual resignation as an elder and departure from the JWs.

  • exwitless

    Nope, never did. I had good intentions to, though, several times. I even ordered the "Hebrew Scriptures" (old testament) on cassette tape to listen as I read along. Once I got to Leviticus (I think) where it starts listing geneology ad nauseum "so-and-so begat so-and-so...", I just couldn't stomach it anymore. Blah blah blah blah.....

  • jaguarbass

    And you? Did you read the whole Bible when you were a JW? If so, what happened after you did? Did it open your eyes?

    I never read the whole bible as a witness. I've met few who have ever read the whole bible cover to cover.

    I've read it 5 times cover to cover and I always ask. People will say they read the bible. But I never talked to anyone besides me who read it cover to cover much less, 5 times.

    The more fanatical the less chance they have read the book cover to cover.

    After I read the bible cover to cover 5 times and took notes compared the notes, I concluded that man wrote the bible and the book is full of contradictions and errors.

    I can hardly bring myself to touch it anymore. However I will say until my eyes were open and I was under the godspell, I found reading the bible therapeutic and comforting. Until enough water passed under the bridge and my eyes were open enough to see I was bullshxting myself.



  • Hortensia

    how many times was that? LOL - anyway, I read it through, three times, I think. It has been a long time - but way back when I was doing the three chapters a day thing. Just reading it was a struggle, only guilt got me through it. It was a wonderful wonderful day when I woke up and just said, "you know, I just plain don't believe a word of it!"

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