Incompetent zoo keepers...

by Gregor 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoverOfTruth

    My hubby used to live in San Francisco and always speaks well of the City. One exception is this particular zoo. He said it has always been poorly run. The people of S.F. are known for being animal lovers and it's surprising this zoo wasn't shut down long ago.

  • avishai

    The tiger had already mauled one keeper almost a year ago....

    Nonetheless, if they were taunting it, Uhhh... that's Darwin award stuff.

  • mkr32208

    There are less than 800 Siberian tigers left in the wild TOTAL they are expected to be extinct in the wild within the next 20 years. Without Zoos there would soon be no large predators or any "non commercial" species like Rhino's. A large well managed zoo with good habitats is a wonderful thing in the community. All you naysayers are ridiculous. What about dogs that live inside and when they get out only have a fenced yard? How about cats that live in apartments? It's like the fools who say if you spay and neuter your pets your forcing them to miss out on the joy of parenthood. It's simply DUMB!

    ANIMALS DO NOT HAVE HUMAN EMOTIONS! If they have enough space to get exercise plenty of food a comfortable environment and no ass holes throwing shit at them they are very happy.

  • Tara

    I heard on the news today that they think someone taunted the tiger by throwing a shoe or dangling a leg over the side...Stupid ignorant people...

  • Gregor

    If the human victims were doing something to antagonize the cat beyond the parameters of zoo rules then they paid a heavy price. But the poor cat is now dead and they are responsible. Sorry, but I am having a hard time being sympathetic with my own species.

  • sammielee24

    I've been following all the news on this with great interest.

    There have been a number of experts in zoology and every one of them has stated that the enclosure was built in accordance with what they know of that animal. The same type of enclosure in regards to height etc, is already in use by many of the other zoos using standardized data. The experts have also said that the previous 'mauling' of the zoo worker did not warrant the animal being put down. They recognize that these are wild animals and that one must always be vigilant around them.

    Right now the one boy is dead and the other two are still alive - they will be interviewing them intensely no doubt, as they now believe that the tiger may have been let loose and/or taunted by all 3, possibly to the point where they were throwing things at it and either climbing inside or danging themselves inside.

    I think it's sad that both the boy and the tiger are dead and if they confirm it's because of the actions of the people, then that's even more tragic. A bunch of teenage boys do know better - the tiger did not. I also see no reason for the zoo to be sued by the parents or the other boys and their families if it is found that they are indeed at fault - if and I say if - they were at fault, they could have in fact been responsible for the deaths and injuries of a lot of other people by their actions. Very sad way to end the year for those families. sammieswife.

  • hillary_step


    I think it's sad that both the boy and the tiger are dead and if they confirm it's because of the actions of the people, then that's even more tragic.

    Well, given that there are so few Siberian tigers in existence and that the supply of stupid young men is never-ending I will save my tears for the tiger.


  • startingover

    Animal lover that I am, I of course feel this is a tragedy.

    I can't help but think though of what it is like to live in India where attacks like this by wild Tigers happen quite often.

  • VoidEater

    I'm with HS at this point.


    It seems humans share many MAMMAL emotions.

  • startingover


    Didn't see your post when I posted. I'm with you.

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