I'm sooooo angry

by shell69 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • shell69

    Hell guys its nearly four in the morning and I can't sleep. I'm just so annoyed!

    At work this evening I was called to talk to an customer outside one of the screens (for those of you who don't know I work in a multiplex cinema). Well as I apporached, this woman came walking towards me waving her hand, pointing her finger! OMG she was shouting so loud. Apparently it was all due to a Docle & Gabanna advertisement in the ads and trailers section prior to the movie.

    Well this advert shows the mirror image of a woman, kissing herself. And a bloke kissing himself..

    My god she was ranting and raving! She said 'I'm a qualified physics teacher' (I thought what the ****s that got to do with anything?) She shouted at me that she would be writing to Gordon Brown about this, that this ad should'nt be showing in a 12A cert film. I explained that all ads are approved by the BBFC, and allocated to approporiate cert films, and that any way as a company we weren't totally in controll of what trailers and ads were shown where and when.

    She shouted; do you realise that soon every child in this country will be bi-sexual?' I swear thats what she said! She went on shout that children were having to watch this kind of thing, and that she has done reasearch to prove that this 'forces' children to have bisexual and homosexual experiences.

    I swear... I nearly chinned her!

    My beautiful, cheerful, happy girl is a lesbian; she told me when she was just short of her 16th birthday. I cannot believe how many biggots there are out there! And was furious that this woman is bragging about her teaching qualifications, yet showing such outrageous homophobic attitude!

    Thank god she isn't teaching my children!

    Anyhows...... as I already mentioned she'd writing to Gordon Brown about it, and, after taking my name () she says she's going PUBLIC!!!!

    Dont........ watch this space!



  • Robdar

    Sheesh, what a nutter!

    I guess when an old windbag get full of enough hot air, it blows.

    (((Shell))) may I offer you a cuppa?

  • purplesofa

    LOL@at nutbag

    All it takes is one though, to shout out offense and shit hits the fan.



    Sounds like she doesn't approve of self love either!


    Have yourself a nice cup of Sleepytime tea.

    Aren't you glad you have all of us?

    The hell with people like her.

  • beksbks

    Damn. I thought Brits had a better handle on things.

  • shell69

    A&W, I'm having a nice sleepytime triple Vodka and tonic!

    And boy am I gald I got you guys. Love you ALL


  • Hortensia

    I get so tired of people who feel it's OK to vomit bile all over working people who have to take the abuse and remain polite.


    Better yet!

    I'm going to have a glass of wine and prepare cookies for my first ever cookie exchange party!

    Good night Shell.

  • RisingEagle

    Some people are truly stupid.

    I assume you returned her money then told her to 'get the f***' out?

    Who is Gordon Brown?

  • shell69

    H, thanks, I had no choice but to remain calm, however I had a secuity guard as witness to the conversation I has with this woman, and hes already made a three page statement regarding it.

    Funny thing, as far a working people? Isn't that what she was; she just has delutions a grandeur



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