Why all the changes?????

by seek2find 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    The organization is the primary thing -- not the doctrine. Whenever it suits the interests of the organization, old doctrine is flushed away like fecal matter, except they cannot hide it any more -- their old mistakes keep showing up in "Quotes" type of websites.

  • seek2find

    Hey Seeker4, its hard to believe that that guy said that about everything 10 years old or more. I make me wonder why he even believes any of it if it will be different in 10 years anyway. I wonder why the KH's even have a library with all that old literature. It really is their worst enemy. Several years ago I remember a speaker at a Circuit Assembly, saying that one of the Governing Body once said that every time he had a doubt about the "Truth" he would go back and read some in the "Studies in the Scriptures" I almost started laughing out loud. No one else there even thought anything about it. Because they were not familiar with anything they (The studies) said. This religion is like a game of musical chairs. When the music stops you just grab a belief. seek2find

  • seek2find

    sspo, I've thought about the foundation thing a lot also. Their house is built on sand instead of the solid rock. seek2find

  • footstepfollower

    The changes are there because they make sense since the old prophicies had expired... Plus they can makethe changes the loyal ones eat them up with a spoon feeling so blessed with this new knowledge!

  • jaguarbass

    The Wactower is not the truth.

    Sad to say the bible is not either.

    But don't take my word for it.

    You have shown you have a capable thought process.

    Dont be someone elses sheep.

  • JH

    All these changes is to "buy time"... If nothing would change, people would wonder why nothing is happening.

  • joe_black

    We should always remember first and foremost the WTBS is a $$making corporation. Corporations need new products and ideas to keep the customer happy and the feeding frenzy continues, unfortunatley most of us used to "buy" from this conglomerate. And more unfortunately some of us still have loved ones who are still buying the crap.

  • WTWizard

    That goes to show that the truth can be twisted, taken out of context, and distorted. They often take a tiny piece of the truth (actual truth) and take it out of context, creating non sequiturs. From that point on, anything built on it is going to fail.

    Beyond that point, they have to start lying. When the first predictions start going out of date, they have to build another round of non sequiturs from another grain of actual truth. That game continues as the new predictions go out of date, like the first ones did.

    Finally, there has to be additional lies, truth nuggets taken out of context, and non sequiturs created to get people to continue doing the work and more of it. Door to door work was built on half truths (yes, Jesus did spread the message--that was the truth. But he did not go door to door. That was a lie.) They had to ban Christmas so that people could be caught at home on Christmas day. The Witlesses, instead of celebrating Christmas, would be spending the whole day going door to door to take advantage of that. All they needed do was take Luke 2:10-14 out of context so you no longer have a celebration of Jesus' birth. Then they used the pagan sun-worship celebration that fell on the winter solstice or just after to demonize celebration. Finally, they told the now-idle people that they had to go out in field circus to keep their minds off the holiday so they wouldn't stumble. The real purpose was to catch people while they were home.

    Obviously, when people start seeing through one batch of lies, they have to create more. They might reverse their position on an issue for a time. Then, at a later date, they will have another bogus flash of new light and tell people that the original position was correct after all. This has happened with the blood issue, voting, college, and now with oral sex among married couples. They ease off when membership starts tanking, only to crack down again when they feel it's safe. Invariably, a touch of real truth is used as an anchor.

    Now, there is a way to ensure that these continual major changes would not have taken place in the first place. If they had taken fully integrated honesty as their anchor point at the outset, there would be no need for major reversals and poor integrations that will need to be patched. Fully integrated honesty, unlike truth, cannot be dissected for the purpose of taking a piece of it and distorting it to fulfill nefarious purposes. That is because the whole truth is involved, context and all. Had Russell objectively studied the whole Bible and put it in its proper context, there would be no need for all this reversal. He could have found the obvious non sequiturs that were in the Bible itself, the specious arguments, and the glorification by Goe Himself of all the destruction of value creators back in the Old Testament. And Paul's misinterpretations of Jesus' real message.

    Then, Russell could have developed it into fully integrated honesty. From there, Rutherford could have continued picking up new integrations as the world conditions continued evolving. Major change of doctrine would not have been necessary, since Russell would have developed the prime law that Jesus was actually trying to teach--which is not initiating the use of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud and deception against innocent people or their property. With that law in place, everything else would have fallen into place alongside it. A high school graduate would be able to see whether or not a rule fits this Prime Law. And those in charge of making any rules could be removed if they were in fact initiating these articles against people under them. Needed change would be swift and permanent. Unneeded change would never have a chance.

    Had that been done, the religion would have been stable. New doctrines would not be needed. There would be no bans on oral sex within marriage, college, the Internet, or blood transfusions. For sure, one would not need to check up on them to see if any of the above is OK this year or not. Any changes would be minor, only to patch up something that was forgotten or to undo someone else's failures (and would be quick). And, apostates wouldn't have a chance to exploit their weaknesses, since there would be none.

    This shows that the Watchtower Society is expert at creating problems where none needed exist.

  • erynw

    The GB is trying to fulfill the density of Russell and Rutherford.

  • R.F.
    The organization is the primary thing -- not the doctrine. Whenever it suits the interests of the organization, old doctrine is flushed away like fecal matter, except they cannot hide it any more -- their old mistakes keep showing up in "Quotes" type of websites.

    This is one thing that bothered me about the organization for a long time. It's almost like it's at the point now that someone becomes a JW but must accept the fact that their "beliefs are subject to change". What's the point of believing in any of the doctrine then to begin with? It truly is all about the organization and it's interests. R.F.

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