I have to put our dog down.

by whyamihere 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    My heart goes out to you.

    It's probably one of the hardest things a human has to do what your going through putting down their best friend.

    If I could make it better I would.

    Be strong.

  • worldtraveller

    For every beginning there is always an end. For every end there is also a new beginning. Perhaps shortly, you will find a small miracle at your local shelter that needs some help. Perhaps even something knocking at your door, like we did. We lost our precious little hamster in the summer. A few short weeks ago, a total stranger knocked at our door and asked if we could take his little kitten. It was a little miracle for us.

    Yours should arrive when you are ready. Please take care of yourself.

  • somebody


    Again, my heart goes out to you. But I must say that Oliver was a SMART doggie! And what you shared with us about him will be one of the things you tell to others about him and will bring a smile to your face as you tell it.

    Raggie used to sniff one blade of grass FOREVER and circle it FOREVER to go to the bathroom, when I was freezing my but off! I would get so mad at him at those times!!! But because I loved him and he loved me, I would always stay outside with him no matter how picky he was about where he was gonna pee or poop, and no matter how long it took him to choose and be done with his business.

    And that's one thing about him that brings a smile to my face as I remember. So keep that looking both ways before you cross habit of Oliver's in your memory forever.



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Oliver was so smart and so stupid at the same time.

    Little funny fact about him: When we would take him on a walk he would stop at every crosswalk and look both ways, then proceeded to walk when it was clear.

    sounds like the smartest dog I know...

    may you have comfort in your sorrow .... Oliver was lucky to have your love.


  • Gregor

    This thread has brought tears to my eyes and I don't consider myself an old softy. Same when Onacruse and Bikerchic and others have gone through this wrenching experierience. Someday, out little chihuahuas will be gone. I don't know how I'll bear it.

    Warm Regards,


  • 144001


    I hope you feel better soon!

  • skeeter1

    I am so sorry!


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Sorry about your dog Oliver, You did the right thing, you don't want your dog to suffer.

    I love animals, We have a cat, she is getting old, we would miss her.

    You should get another dog.

    Barbie Doll

  • LisaRose

    I always said I would not let my pets suffer, and would make the decision that they could not - that when life was more painfull than not, I would not let them suffer because I was too wimpy to make the decision. I had to make that decision for my dog Allie - a wonderful 14 year old husky/german shepard/golden mix. At 90 lbs, her hips had gone and she could no longer stand. A painfull decison as she was healthy otherwise. She had been bravely hauling herself up with here more powerfull forequarters for a while, so her hips had atrophied. At that weight, I couldn't lift her to take her outside and although the vet had some treatment options, they were just delaying the inevitible with no real improvement possible. I held her in my arms as they put her to sleep, and cried like a baby. She was a great dog, with heart to spare. She lived a long and happy life and didn't suffer, I have no regrets. I just wish that option was available for me - I want my long term care provider to be Jack Kavorkian! Better a good death than a bad life.

  • JK666


    I am sorry for your loss. I know that I am getting close with my dog, he has liver problems and gets sick almost every day now.


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