Godless souls

by Aleman 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I think one should worry more about the soul-less gods.

    edit: the human, the imaginary, and how they both can bring out the worst in people

  • Aleman

    My base on that morals are on its all time low is the fact that before, all the crimes of torture and death deal with very little to almost no knowledge of these happenings until it is already to late. So many died in the inquisition and nobody knew about it, so life continued and people didn't hear about it until decades latter. The nazi killed so many jews and no body knew about it until the american army showed up and saw what happened.

    Today, however, war on Irak, killing on a public mall, killings on school grounds, fires destroy homes, Ice storms kill many, car bombs, rape and death of a minor, children soldiers, refugees drown, your not even safe in your own home you have to put up bars of steel and alarm system to keep people out, you can't even go out for groceries because man is prone to have accidents that could be mortal.

    Everything is known and spoken about. All of this is just a few days time that I'm writing about, I'm not mentioning the attack on the twin towers or the colombine incident or other massive news. Now bear in mind, I know I as a man can not trust in not even my neighbor who lives next to me, How can you live knowing that there is no God to retreat for mental peace, at least, and go on life saying that there is no God?

    I just don't get it.


  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    living without a god/ess or multiple god(esse)s is as simple as living without santa clause.

  • serotonin_wraith

    So morals are worse because of instant worldwide communication that hadn't been invented before?

    How can you live knowing that there is no God to retreat for mental peace, at least, and go on life saying that there is no God?

    Because this is wishful thinking. It's a belief that brings you comfort. This could be why you believe.

    There are many good things that happen in the world and many good people, but it's usually only the bad stories that make it on to the news. Broaden your outlook to encompass more and I expect you'll see more good.

  • Aleman

    Ok, what brings you comfort?


  • UU Now
    UU Now
    My base on that morals are on its all time low is the fact that before, all the crimes of torture and death deal with very little to almost no knowledge of these happenings until it is already to late.

    I'm pretty sure being tortured or killed is pretty much equally sucky whether any knows it happened to you or not. If you can prove to me that murder or torture are actually more common know than they were a hundred or a thousand years ago, then your point would make sense.

    How can you live knowing that there is no God to retreat for mental peace, at least, and go on life saying that there is no God?

    Because we find other sources of mental peace. I could list dozens.

    How do you go on with life knowing that God allows all the evil you are describing?

  • Aleman

    Simple, by understanding that the devil exists and lives among us. The story goes that God cleaned the heavens first and soon he will clean the earth. To sucsessfully win any battle, you have to take stratigic places to attack better and win the war.

    See, the whole CIA torturing the terrorists is out there now. I also believe the terrorists torture too, not to mention that they cut heads off.


  • VoidEater

    Still waiting for answers on what God promised and when they came true, Aleman.

    Ok, what brings you comfort?

    In no particular order: My cat. My spouse. My friends. My teachers. My parents. The general good nature of humanity. My success. My love for others, and their love for me. A good book. The sun. The breeze. The sense of my own existence. Knowing I'm a part of a larger whole. My self respect. My appreciation of life. My humor, and that of those around me. This board. My shared experience of humanity.

    In short, life. Must I need more?

    Is there a particular area I can expand upon?

  • VoidEater

    soon he will clean the earth. To sucsessfully win any battle, you have to take stratigic places to attack better and win the war.

    Soon...1914? 1975? 1994? The Next Big Date? It's been "soon" for 6,000+ years. It doesn't make sense to me.

    ??????? God needs to STRATEGIZE? How can God be so limited?

    I don't mean to attack, Aleman, honestly - but I cannot conceive of a God so small that the result of any battle at any time in any way can be in doubt. To quote Star Trek: What does God need with a starship?

    Still interested in knowing more about what God promised and when it came true.

    Still not seeing the need for God (and still fine with him existing, if he does).

    Still seeing the dramatic increase in communication and information availability, but no great slide into a worsening moral milieu.

    JG: We also have great feather masks now, too! I love your contributions. ;-)

  • Gopher

    Aleman, you said:

    The story goes ...

    And there's no absolute proof that the story is true. Likely such stories in the Bible and other books regarded as holy were put there to try to explain the unexplainable, such as why we are here and what happens after death.

    I find comfort in what is knowable and provable, and in the fact that most folks are trying just to get by and live their life and are not out to cause their neighbors harm. Yes there is bad in the world, that's a result of freedom of choice we take as humans. Fortunately, most people (when given a choice) will use their freedom in a generally helpful way.

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