Godless souls

by Aleman 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    The wt sees the soul as merely an electrical kind of life force. Since they can't actually define what that life force is, it's renders it nebulous, practically a mere figure of speech. Imo, churches are closer to the truth than is the wt corp. My own view is, that everyone has/is spirit. As such, it's an emination from spirit (god, in the common gross, materialist nomenclature). Thus, soul/spirit is the same substance as is 'god'. Therefore, since both are of the same, no soul can be without god, as each is god, in/by nature. You were saying??


  • serotonin_wraith

    Same reason you reject the thousands of other gods without a second thought, Aleman.

    We still have ups and downs like theists, we still have our own purposes, we still have morals, we still know what love is, we still appreciate the beauty around us. We just don't need to believe in a god in order to have any of this.

  • UU Now
    UU Now
    There will be some godless here shortly to explain themselves I am sure. I think the horrible experience in the Watchtower and wasted time there has embittered many here.

    Bolding mine. How insulting. My beliefs are my beliefs, just as deeply and sincerely held as yours, and just as deserving of respect. They are not a manifestation of bitterness. In fact, it's news to me, and I think would be to anyone who knows me, that I'm bitter.

    I became aware at a very young age that I didn't believe in God, not as JWs imagine God and not as more conventionally religious people imagine God. Pretending to believe would have been pointless at best.

  • VoidEater

    I just don't understand, how anyone can live life feeling God does not and can not exist?

    I don't see a need for God to exist.

    But I don't have a need to demand that he "can not" exist.

    It works better for me if there is no God - I think Liberty summed it up nicely. Because to believe in an all powerful God of the contemporary Christians, I must conclude that he really had a purpose in my being raped for 12 years, or that I somehow deserved that. So far, that purpose has eluded me. i only bring this up because it puts a personal face on the impersonal "sufferings of the world" that seem so easy to justify as "mysterious", when it's happening to someone else. I've just decided to not be a masochist any more and think that God needed me to suffer.

    And of course Gopher is god. I could believe in Gopher.

  • Gopher
    And of course Gopher is god. I could believe in Gopher.

    ...and a belated happy 47th birthday to you too, Void Eater!

  • BurnTheShips

    How insulting. My beliefs are my beliefs, just as deeply and sincerely held as yours, and just as deserving of respect. They are not a manifestation of bitterness. In fact, it's news to me, and I think would be to anyone who knows me, that I'm bitter.

    No need to be insulted UU. I did not say that all are bitter, but many are. And I certainly did not point a finger at you. As for the respect thing. I agree. Some here though, love to rant on the "ridiculousness" of those of us that are of a different suasion than yourself.

    I meant no disrespect.


  • UU Now
    UU Now
    No need to be insulted UU. I did not say that all are bitter, but many are.

    I'm sure many people here, both theists and non-theists are bitter. I just don't think bitterness is the reason for their beliefs.

    And I certainly did not point a finger at you. As for the respect thing. I agree. Some here though, love to rant on the "ridiculousness" of those of us that are of a different suasion than yourself.

    Just as the OP points out the ridiculousness of non-theists?

    I meant no disrespect.

    I apologize if I was over-sensitive.

  • blueviceroy

    I smell a witch hunt .

    I'm rubbing my favorite Chrystal in hopes of a better energy flow so I can respond to this accusation of "godlessness"

    I think that a generalized statement of such little validity and thought is deserving of the highest ridicule and scorn. I will refrain from negativity.

    I will pray for the witless and shallow . I will pray for the ignorant and stubborn , for the narrow minded people full of fear and anger.

    Please Great Spirit , Ja , God , Universal Conscious , enlighten the ones still in darkness and open the dark recesses of their conditioned existence to the light and knowledge of our true nature . Fill their hearts with love and relieve them of suffering caused by shortcomings.

    Let all things come to pass in their intended perfection

    In love and service to all , blueviceroy

  • BurnTheShips
    I apologize if I was over-sensitive.

    You can't help it. You're a cat.


  • Aleman

    History has held up with it's share of suffering and cruel intentions. Take for example the inquisition for example, many suffered torture and up to death for not being in the right religion. Then there is consentration camps where if you are in the wrong side you get locked up and tortured for your patrotism. Lets not forget how moral issues are being questioned to the point that kids kill without remorse or men rape any woman just for lust and/or power! Morals are at an all time low this milenium then any other. I do believe in God because he has proven to me that every thing he has said has come true.


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