Christmas shopping unhealthy for men.

by BrentR 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    Not all women enjoy shopping. It's just another chore to me, and a particularly unpleasant one when the stores are crowded (e.g., between Thanksgiving and New Year's).

  • uriah

    Well I haven't met one yet, but I have heard that they do exist.

  • Finally-Free
    I hate shopping too. Men know how to shop though. They know what they want, go to the right shop, buy, come out and go home. Job done. Women like to go round dozens of shops. That is why there are so many shoe shops, clothes shops, accessory shops and the like. Go into monsoon or mothercare, the male goods are all on one rack. The female stuff fills the shop. Have you tried going round PC World with your wife, she glazes over after 2 seconds and says "have you found what you want yet - sigh" and that is just one shop. Then she trolls you round all her shops as pennace for making her go into PC World and asks you questions like "Do you think this will go in the kitchen, or will this blue one be better?" What is it, a tea towel. So you say the blue one and she says so you don't like the yellow one then and you say the yellow one is fine too, so she says well don't you think the yellow one will go better, or what about this orange one and you say well have what one you want and she says you could show some interest and you say I did you asked and I said blue and she says you only said that to shut me up and you say no I didn't I like blue you know I like blue, you asked me yellow or blue and I chose blue now you ask me about orange. Then she says let's have a look in Rosby's and see if they have anything else and maybe CH Fabrics and I saw some in Laura Ashly the other day - and we still have not bought a thing and I want to die because the day stretches out before you and the high street is so long and you can't just go to Rosby's because there are shops on the way that she wants to go in and I start to foam at the mouth.

    Damn, just reading this description was enough to make me foam at the mouth. I hate shopping, even for myself. The people in malls are not human. They are annoying obstacles that must be overcome. Even when grocery shopping I encounter idiots who shop, push their carts around while talking on their cell phone and gesticulating wildly. What the hell is that about? I want to beat them half to death with the fresh produce. W

  • uriah

    I know what you mean finally, you get those bozo's who suddenly stop. Then those that swing the trolley out and block the whole aisle. Then a bunch of idiots meet and have a long conversation blocking four aisles and you want to say "why dont you get some chairs sit down and really P*** people off". Then they move all the stuff about so you can't find it, so you ask a spotty nerd where it is and they stare blankly and say "er I fink it down there" and point in an arc. When you do find where it has been moved to the shelf is bare because the cretins have not got any stock and you say "Why is there no stock" and they say because there is no demand. And another thing, you go and get a buy-one-get-one-free and there is only one left. You only want two batteries but have to buy ten. Why do they sell mugs in packs of six but hooks in packs of five. Why do they sell eating apples in slices in a bag? Why Why WHY!!!!!!blubber, foam.

  • Dorktacular

    Uriah, it sounds like you've been shopping with my wife! I got dragged to the mall 3 times last weekend. I get dragged from store to store, then she asks me an opinion on something, I give her my honest opinion and then she treats me like an idiot because obviously my opinion is wrong, then of course I get to hear "You said that just to shut me up". Dude, I think all the women get a little manual to read when they get married detailing how to torture their husbands with shopping. When I go shopping, first I need a reason to be there. I know WHY I'm going to the store (to purchase a particular item), I know WHAT store I need to get it at, I actually PURCHASE it, and then I go HOME! I don't waste all day and gallons of gas trying to find something at multiple stores when I don't even know why I'm there.

    I had only one shopping goal last weekend: To purchase a watch battery for my wife's watch. I know what battery the watch needed. I know where to buy the battery. And, I know how to get back home and put the battery in the watch. But, because she dragged me to stores from 7:30 AM to 11:00 PM Saturday, I didn't get to go to the electronics store to buy the battery. So, Sunday morning I hear: "You didn't do a thing yesterday; at least you could have fixed my watch!" I almost had a stroke!

    And it is very stressful for a man trying to purchase a gift for his wife. The first reason is that wives don't want to tell their husbands what they want. We desperately want our wives to be happy with our purchases for them, but most of the time they aren't. Women have this fantasy that if a man really loves you, he should automatically know what she wants and give it to her without having to ask her. I only wish that was true the other way around. Because, if things worked that way, my wife would automatically know that the only thing I want for any occasion is a BJ, she would automatically do that every time without being asked. Oh well. I guess that means she doesn't love me. hee hee.

    The second reason is that unless you are one of the rare men who have an unlimited source of income and an unlimited amount of free time, most of the crap that society has convinced women they need as a gift is way too expensive for most average men to easily afford. Throw a couple of children or other family members in there to buy gifts for, and the money worries cause enough stress to kill a man.

    So, holiday times are hell for men. It's one of the many reasons that men die before the women. Imagine ladies.... the stress of holiday shopping for men is the same stress level as being shot at! Sucks to be us!

  • UU Now
    UU Now
    Well I haven't met one yet, but I have heard that they do exist.

    What am I, chopped liver? I also happen to be a woman who hasn't been brainwashed into believing I "need" jewelry and other such expensive items. There are more of us than you might think. The same onslaught of ads that aims to teach women to want that stuff also aims to teach men that women want that stuff, and men are no less susceptible to that kind of pressure than women. And for the record, many men are very fond of expensive gift items, too -- think plasma screen TVs.

  • uriah

    Dorktular, it is quite possible that your wife transmogrifies into mine. And because women are better at arguing than men they tie you up in verbal knots until you confess without meaning to. And you are right, they ask your opinion and you give it then they look at you and give a silent but visual durrrh and say "Terracotta?" (my wife does). If you live in the UK you might have seen the ad where the woman is telling her husband (I assume) about him having to support her whilst going to college or some such thing but he is more interested in his burger (the point of the ad) and she says "so what do you think?" He, not having listened realises that an answer is required and say's, grasping at straws, "er Terracotta?". I wager that if you tried to explain to your wife why you did not fix her watch she will shoot you down in flames and say but you find time to go down the pub or surf the internet but you couldn't do a small and simple job that I asked you, it's just me me me...........glaze

  • uriah

    What am I, chopped liver? UU - explain (I am a vegetarian) - no need, penny has dropped. And for the record, many men are very fond of expensive gift items, too -- think plasma screen TVs. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmplasma tv's aaarrrggggglllllllleeeeedroooole classy Maybe we could go round PC World or Curry's and I can show you the ones I like but can't afford

  • BrentR

    I am taking the family to a small bavarian themed town tomarrow located in the middle of the mountains. The reason I am going is for the snow, drive through the mountains and the alpine sleigh ride that I made reservations for. My wife will probably spend the entire time going to every one of the 100 million shops designed to suck money out of your hands.

    Shopping is a drug fix for my wife. That is why we have seperate accounts and credit cards. My balance is 0 and hers just over $16000

    The only time I will ever going shopping with her is if we are out of town. She knows better then to even ask me let alone expect me to go to any stores with her. I would rather go to the dentist.

  • momzcrazy

    Renegade, you are right on the money. Little does he know he has to take the girls to help them find ME a gift. Boogie Down

    I don't necassarily like shopping either, but someone needs to do it. That's why I got it all done in 2 days. Shopping with a 2 yr old is NOT fun.


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