Who's crazy NOW! Here is Proof of the NAU "Video Candian Congress"

by skyking 62 Replies latest social current

  • lovelylil


    The thing is this; you were not the only one in the entire U.S. that knew Bush was lying about the Iraq war. Presidents lie and hide things all the time. My hubby was in the military during Dessert Storm, more lying was done then too. Hubby and I BOTH knew Bush was lying along with hundreds of thousands of other Americans who protested sending our young kids over to Iraq.

    There is ALWAYS another motive for why our leadership does things. One which is not always apparent at first. But my point is this; lets say there is a great conspiracy to change America as we know it and get rid of our constitution? What can WE personally do about it? Probably nothing, that is why I don't give my full allegience to any man made government. It is useless for they all do what they want to do anyway.

    I feel I cannot be loyal to more than one government and I choose to support the "kingdom of heaven". As far as what man does during this time period, we will just have to wait and see and deal with whatever we have to. Peace, Lilly

  • jgnat
    "I dont believe in conspiracies" thought pattern out of their head

    I don't believe in GRAND consipiracies. I'll tell you why. I'm a career civil servant. I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've handled some of the most confidential records collections of my government.

    I've concluded that we are run by people no smarter than we are. There is NO WAY that our government could be that organized or devious.

  • snowbird
    There is NO WAY that our government could be that organized or devious.

    OUR government certainly can and is.

    I always thought NAFTA was just a precursor to something like this.


  • ninja

    hey jg......thousands of germans probably thought that about the nazis

  • jgnat

    snowbird, I've seen enough bungling of the American recordkeeping to confidently say that they are similarly incapable of GRAND conspiracies. I would say it's much more likely that American administration is paralyzed by conflicting interests. That's not to say that a particular administration or special interest group might obfuscate, confuse, and hide their mistakes. I'm just saying there is no grand plan. Can't be.

  • jgnat

    When the American leadership banishes free elections, I'll entertain that thought, ninja.

  • skyking

    You see we can change things. Look at the Ron Paul movement. Millions now are rally behind him. One person taking a stand does count.

    When I did my blood research I had no clue how mwny lives I would help. I have been notified over and over that my information save their life or a love ones life. I have helped dozens of people out of the BORG.

    If We wake up as a county then we can decide if the NAU is good for us or not. Congress men have went public telling us that they have no control on this NAU. When congress men and at least one woman comes out and warns the U.S.A. that congress has no control of the NAU happening it sould wake people up.

    Martial law is how this thing will happen. It removes congress and then BUSH will have his will done over the people.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    the facts are out there ....

    go google ENDGAME by Alex Jones

    get Freedom to Facsim

    then come back ...

    it's like saying the WT is not capable of misleading the flock. Those videos are the Ray Franz materials that discredits our thinking that "they are incapable of this".

    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
  • ninja

    hey JG.....in america....the last two "competing for presidency" were from the same secret society....15 people a year get tapped to join it......what were the chances out of hundreds of millions of people ...they two were picked.....and one of their fathers was a president previously......its a small world at the top of the pyramid

  • snowbird
    I'm just saying there is no grand plan. Can't be.

    Soon we will see. Oh yes, we will all see.


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