Jdub deaths in nazi death camps how many

by buffalosrfree 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dansk

    Ghost Witnesses in Nazi Concentration Camps?

    Norman Hovland

    The Watchtower Society loves the god of numbers. Particularly if he can be used to inflate the number of casualties during the Nazi years in Germany. Investigating the Watchtower literature is quite revealing when it comes to documenting the many contradictions about what really happened during those years.

    "A total of 6,019 had been arrested, several two, three or even more times, so that, all together, 8,917 arrests were registered. All together they had been sentenced to serve 13,924 years and two months in prison, two and a quarter times as long as the period since Adam's creation. A total of 2,000 brothers and sisters had been put into concentration camps, where they had spent 8,078 years and six months, an average of four years. A total of 635 had died in prison, 253 had been sentenced to death and 203 of these had actually been executed. What a record of integrity!" (1974 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, p. 212)

    As we can see here the Watchtower Society know exactly how many Jehovah's Witnesses were arrested in Germany during the Nazi years. It was 6,019 persons. The Nazis were known for their meticulous registering and keeping records of every conceivable thing, so of course they didn't throw anybody in prison or in a concentration camp without arresting him/her first.

    Another very interesting piece of information is also found in the above quoted yearbook. We are told the TOTAL number of Witnesses that was put into concentration camps during the Nazi years. The number was 2,000! That means that the majority of those arrested were released. But when we look closer at what various Watchtowers have to say about the number of Witnesses in the camps, we yet again see this attempt to inflate the numbers and this time really out of all proportions.

    "Hitler failed to break them in prisons and concentration camps where he tortured 10,000 of them, and the Communists are failing to do it in their frightful prisons and slave-labor camps." (The Watchtower, June 1, 1960, p. 327)

    "Hitler, a Roman Catholic, the arm of his church in Germany, forbade Jehovah's witnesses to preach the kingdom of God, and these modern-day Christians had to say to Hitler's Gestapo police: 'Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves.' They kept preaching even though 10,000 of them were put in concentration camps and over 4,000 died there. The rest nearly starved to death. The war's end aided their survival." (The Watchtower, January 1, 1964, p. 13)

    The question here is, if only 2,000 Witnesses were put into the camps, why print that there were 10,000 of them there? Where did the 8,000 additional persons come from? Did they perhaps come from the same place as the 4,000 Witnesses that is reported to have died in the camps? How can 4,000 people out of a total of 2,000 die? As we can see from the correct numbers of casualties reported by the 74 Yearbook, the real number of deaths is reported to be "a total of 635".

    Many of these tragic deaths could probably have been avoided if it wasn't for the totally insane orders from the Watchtower president at the time, J. F. Rutherford, who sent them out distributing Watchtower literature knowing well that this would inflame the Nazis. Isn't the tragedy of 6,019 arrests and the death of 635 Witnesses during the Nazi era quite enough for the Watchtower Society? Why do they have to inflate these numbers all the time?

    Knowing full well the real number of Witnesses arrested suffering and dying during the Nazi years the Watchtower Society never seem to be satisfied with it. The attempt to inflate these figures seems to have no end. Take a look at a more recent example of this here:

    "Why were Jehovah's Witnesses so well acquainted with the concentration camps? When World War II started in 1939, there were already 6,000 Witnesses confined in camps and prisons. German historian Detlef Garbe estimates that the Witnesses constituted at that time between 5 and 10 percent of the total camp population! At a seminar on the Witnesses and the Holocaust, Garbe stated: "Of the 25,000 persons who admitted to being Jehovah's Witnesses at the beginning of the Third Reich, about 10,000 were imprisoned for any length of time. Of these, over 2,000 were admitted to concentration camps. This means that the Jehovah's Witnesses were, with the exception of the Jews, the worst persecuted by the SS of all the religious based groups."" (Awake!, August 22, 1995, p. 10)

    As we can see here, they use the old trick of quoting a historian which have lifted many of his figures out of the inflated figures in their own literature. First they use Garbe's ignorance about the difference between a Witness and a person that attends the memorial. There was about 24,000+ people which attended the memorial in 1932/33. Any Jehovah's Witness knows that people who attend the memorial is far from "admitted to being a Jehovah's Witness". We also understand that with a total of 6,019 Witnesses arrested there couldn't possibly be 10,000 imprisoned at any given time, this is pure hogwash! Just another figure lifted out of their own distorted literature.

    As we can see from the previous quotes the alleged 10,000 Witnesses was supposed to have been in prison and camps, then in camps, and then suddenly all the 10,000 were "imprisoned". And for 2,000 of those it was the camps.

    One constantly wonder, is there absolutely do decency in Brooklyn? Why do they have to lie about this tragedy all the time? Why isn't 2,000 people suffering in the camps and 635 dead enough for the Watchtower Society?

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone, here is some ...information on the subject. How many Jehovah’s Witnesses were imprisoned and how many died in the Nazi's concentration camps? 1943 From the book: The Truth shall make you free” published by the WTBS Inc. New York, Chapter XXIV , page 316 : « Eventually 6000 of them were thrown into concentration camps, isolated and distinguished fromother by a violet badge , and most brutally treated”. 7 years later: 1950 *** w50 12/15 p. 500 Jehovah’s Witnesses Again Endure Totalitarian Hate *** “With the mass-arresting of Jehovah’s witnesses these people have now, for the second time within a couple of decades, donned the martyr’s crown—and they know what that means. Already during the Hitler regime about 1,000 Jehovah’s witnesses were executed as traitors, because they not only refused to serve in the war but openly opposed Hitler’s authority. Another 1,000 of Jehovah’s witnesses died in prisons and concentration camps, and all who have afterwards been describing life in those camps have in their books given Jehovah’s witnesses the very highest recognition. 8 years later: 1951 *** w51 2/15 pp. 105-106 An Open Answer to “The Vindicator” *** That is why during the Nazi regime in Germany from 1933 to 1945 Jehovah’s witnesses in that land refused to heil Hitler! as their Fuehrer or Leader, and went to concentration camps and prisons, where 2,000 died cruel deaths, and of the 8,000 that came out alive, 2,000 were invalided for the rest of their lives. 11 years later: 1954 *** w54 12/1 pp. 724-725 par. 17 The Fight for Freedom to Preach World-wide *** 17 It is a familiar story about the fight for freedom fought by Jehovah’s witnesses to preach in Nazi- and Fascist-dominated lands from 1933 to 1945. Thousands were thrown into the concentration camps. Many were tortured and killed. Countless numbers died because of their loyalty to Jehovah God. 12 years later: 1955 *** w55 8/1 pp. 462-463 Part 15—Foreign Activities Under Fascist-Nazi Persecution *** Thus a mad national effort was embarked upon, to eliminate Jehovah’s witnesses from the German national scene. In the course of the dark years that followed thousands of witnesses were arrested, falsely convicted and put in prisons and concentration camps where many of them suffered unspeakably. Some two thousand witnesses lost their lives in this struggle to keep faithful integrity to Jehovah. 21 years later: 1964 *** w64 1/1 p. 13 par. 19 They Listened to an Angel *** 19 Hitler, a Roman Catholic, the arm of his church in Germany, forbade Jehovah’s witnesses to preach the kingdom of God, and these modern-day Christians had to say to Hitler’s Gestapo police: ‘Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves.’ They kept preaching even though 10,000 of them were put in concentration camps and over 4,000 died there. The rest nearly starved to death. The war’s end aided their survival. 31 years later: 1974 *** yb74 p. 212 Part 3—Germany *** A total of 2,000 brothers and sisters had been put into concentration camps, where they had spent 8,078 years and six months, an average of four years. A total of 635 had died in prison, 253 had been sentenced to death and 203 of these had actually been executed. What a record of integrity! 31 years later: 1974 *** g74 1/22 p. 32 Would You Remain Loyal? *** In Nazi Germany Jehovah’s witnesses refused to compromise. They remained loyal to righteous principles. They had no share in Hitler’s political or military aggressions. Just a few decades ago, hundreds died in his concentration camps. But thousands came out strong in faith. 36 years later: 1979 *** w79 11/1 p. 7 Neutrality in a Mixed-up World *** Many Christian witnesses of Jehovah in Nazi Germany and elsewhere lost their lives in maintaining neutrality. As they faced death they drew comfort from Jesus’ words: “Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna [eternal death].” (Matt. 10:28) 41 years later: 1984 *** w84 10/1 p. 8 Impressed by the Integrity of Jehovah’s Witnesses *** The title of Dr. King’s book is The Nazi State and the New Religions: Five Case Studies in Non-Conformity. Most outstanding among Dr. King’s findings are the figures of deaths and imprisonment of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These indicate that the figures previously published by the Witnesses were greatly underestimated. Dr. King’s source for these statistics was a volume published in Munich, Germany, by Michael Kater. “My own perusal of Court and Gestapo records,” she declared, “would certainly support these higher figures.” What are these figures? “Some 10,000 were imprisoned, and together they received sentences totalling 20,000 years. One out of every two German Witnesses was imprisoned, one in four lost their lives. 41 years later: 1984 *** g84 12/8 p. 13 Nazi-Fascist Attacks on Witnesses *** Some were not only victims but also martyrs, for they could have obtained their release. That was the case, according to one source, with the 10,000 Witnesses, men and women, who were victims of the sadism and brutality that Hitler and his S.S. henchmen had organized. Those Witnesses were given the opportunity to sign a paper renouncing their religion and thus go free. Very few accepted.—See The Nazi State and the New Religions: Five Case Studies in Non-Conformity, by Dr. Christine E. King. Of the 10,000, about 2,500 never did go free, according to the above source—they died in Dachau, Belsen, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, Mauthausen and other camps—faithful to their God, Jehovah, and their exemplar, Christ. Aside from those who were gassed, many died as a result of beatings, starvation and medical experimentation. Others, including women, were executed by being hanged, beheaded or shot. 43 years later: 1986 *** w86 1/1 p. 10 par. 3 Days Like “the Days of Noah” *** . And as to persecution, Jesus forewarned his disciples, saying: “They will put some of you to death.” Hundreds of our brothers died at the violent hands of Nazi Hitler. Jehovah will remember all of such in the resurrection 45 years later: 1988 *** re chap. 8 p. 40 par. 9 Striving to Be Conquerors *** 9 During Nazi rule in Germany, Hitler completely banned the preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. For years, thousands of Witnesses were cruelly confined in concentration camps and prisons, where many died, while some 200 young men who refused to fight in Hitler’s army were executed. 1988 *** re chap. 27 p. 185 par. 28 God’s Kingdom Is Born! *** 28 This vicious flood of persecution reached a high point during World War II. In Europe some 12,000 Witnesses were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps and prisons, and about 2,000 died. 46 years later: 1989 *** w89 1/1 p. 21 par. 13 “To Jehovah Belongs the Battle” *** . The book Mothers in the Fatherland reported: “[Jehovah’s Witnesses] were sent to concentration camps, a thousand of them were executed, and another thousand died between 1933 and 1945. . . . Catholics and Protestants heard their clergy urge them to cooperate with Hitler. 47 years later: 1990 *** w90 2/1 p. 22 par. 9 Exposing “the Man of Lawlessness” *** 9 Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses have surrendered their soul in behalf of their friends in obeying the law of love. A review of the book Kirchenkampf in Deutschland (Fight of the Churches in Germany), by Friedrich Zipfel, says regarding the Witnesses: “Ninety-seven percent of the members of this small religious group were victims of National Socialistic [Nazi] persecution. One third of them were killed, either by execution, other violent acts, hunger, sickness or slave labor 50 years later: 1993 *** g93 5/8 p. 4 Victims or Martyrs What Is the Difference? *** During the Nazi period in Germany (1933-45), Jehovah’s Witnesses suffered terrible persecution for daring to remain neutral and for refusing to serve in Hitler’s war effort. Thousands were sent to the dreaded concentration camps, where many were executed and others died from mistreatment. 1993 *** g93 5/8 p. 31 A Holocaust Museum and Jehovah’s Witnesses *** The Nazis thus banned them as an organization in April 1933. Accused of both civil and religious disobedience, they were among the first groups to be thrown into concentration camps. “Ultimately, more than 30,000 Witnesses were persecuted by the Nazis,” states a museum newsletter. 1993 *** g93 5/8 p. 32 “‘Jehovah’ Erased by Nazis” *** All of this was part of the Nazis’ campaign of persecution of the Jews. At the same time, it was doubtless intended to strike a blow against Jehovah’s Witnesses, who had been banned since 1933 and were also being sent to the concentration camps. In 1933 there were 19,268 active Witnesses in Germany. 52 years later: 1995 *** g95 8/22 p. 10 The Evils of Nazism Exposed *** Why were Jehovah’s Witnesses so well acquainted with the concentration camps? When World War II started in 1939, there were already 6,000 Witnesses confined in camps and prisons. German historian Detlef Garbe estimates that the Witnesses constituted at that time between 5 and 10 percent of the total camp population! At a seminar on the Witnesses and the Holocaust, Garbe stated: “Of the 25,000 persons who admitted to being Jehovah’s Witnesses at the beginning of the Third Reich, about 10,000 were imprisoned for any length of time. Of these, over 2,000 were admitted to concentration camps. This means that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were, with the exception of the Jews, the worst persecuted by the SS of all the religious based groups.” * 53 years later: 1996 ** g96 9/8 p. 30 From Our Readers *** However, as a group Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to support the Nazi regime. Thus, they became the targets of vicious persecution by Hitler’s government. Thousands suffered imprisonment in concentration camps, and many died there. See our August 22, 1995, issue.—ED. 53 years later: 1996 *** g96 1/8 p. 28 Watching the World *** Interestingly, the Tribune observed that historian John S. Conway, of the University of British Columbia, Canada, said that the only religious organization that absolutely refused to follow the Nazis was Jehovah’s Witnesses. He added that for this more than half were sent to concentration camps. 54 years later: 1997 *** g97 8/22 p. 26 Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia *** Because Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to cry out ‘Heil Hitler’ and serve in Hitler’s army, many thousands of believers were sent to Nazi concentration camps, and thousands died. 57 years later: 2000 *** g00 12/22 p. 18 The First One a Hundred Years Ago *** In 1933 the branch was confiscated by the Nazis, the Witnesses were banned and, in time, two thousand of them were sent to concentration camps. 57 years later: *** w00 4/1 p. 19 par. 5 Fighters Against God Will Not Prevail! *** 5 Dictatorships emerged in the 1930’s, and Germany, Italy, and Japan united to form the Axis powers. Early in that decade, barbaric persecution was unleashed against God’s people, notably in Nazi Germany. Bans were imposed. Homes were searched, and their occupants were arrested. Thousands were thrown into concentration camps because they refused to renounce their faith. 58 years later: 2001 *** g01 4/22 p. 5 A Focus of the Soviet Attack *** Further increase, “unbelievable as it may sound,” Kolarz wrote, came from “the German concentration camps.” The Nazis had imprisoned thousands of Witnesses for refusing to support Hitler and his war of aggression. 58 years later: 2001 *** w01 3/15 p. 9 Courageous Integrity Keepers Triumph Over Nazi Persecution *** By 1939, six thousand of them had been imprisoned, and thousands had been sent to concentration camps. (Picture 3) What was the situation by the end of World War II? Some 2,000 imprisoned Witnesses had died, over 250 by execution. 61 years later: 2004 *** w04 12/1 p. 26 Trusting in Jehovah’s Loving Care *** In 1936 and 1937, the Gestapo conducted mass arrests and threw thousands of Witnesses into prisons and concentration camps, where they suffered the most cruel and sadistic treatment. 62 years later: 2005 *** w05 12/15 p. 22 par. 13 Whom Do You Obey—God or Men? *** His efficient death machine seemed more than equal to the task. The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. They even managed to kill some Witnesses. 63 years later: 2006 *** w06 2/15 p. 32 “What Does the Purple Triangle Mean?” *** In Germany under the Nazi regime, Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to heil Hitler, and they maintained neutrality on political and military issues. So the Nazis cruelly persecuted them, incarcerating some 12,000 Witnesses for varying lengths of time in prisons and concentration camps. About 2,000 of them died, hundreds being executed. 64 years later: 2007 *** es07 p. 17 February *** Thursday, February 1 You may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.—Acts 5:39. When Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany refused to heil Adolf Hitler as their Führer, Hitler vowed to exterminate them. (Matt. 23:10) His efficient death machine seemed more than equal to the task. The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. They even managed to kill some Witnesses. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO From outside souces : The Victim List Project was approved in November 2000 f United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Name Lists Catalog United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Name Lists By 1939, approximately 6,000 Jehovah's Witnesses from the Reich (including Austria and the Protectorate) were incarcerated in prisons or camps. Of those 20,000 German Witnesses who remained active throughout the Nazi period, approximately one-half were convicted at some juncture during that time. Between 2,000 and 2,500 German Witnesses and 700-800 non-German Witnesses were interned in concentration camps. The number of Jehovah's Witness deaths in the camps totaled approximately 1000 German Witnesses and 400 non-German Witnesses (including 90 Austrians and 120 Dutch). It is worth noting that non-German Jehovah's Witnesses suffered a considerably higher death rate than German Witnesses. In addition to the above number, approximately 250 Germans were executed, mostly following military tribunals for refusal to commit to military service. @oooooo@@ Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Can you imagine how annoying those JW in the camps were, So your a jew huhh, well lets take a look at what the bible says..., Can you imagine them preaching to the jews that were facing death for their faith?? You just know it happend too

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    I'm sorry for the problem. I have all my researches in Word and if I choose

    to use HTML formatting, all my highlighted portion are gone, the different

    fonnt as well . Before I never had this problem .

    I do apologize.



    P.S. My original editing is quite large format ... to see it better..

  • TheOldHippie

    Before one gets too exited over the change in numbers and makes too much out of it, one should be careful to make sure one is talking about the same "thing" as others are. (Strange sentence, but what I mean is:) Some JWs were executed because of reafusing to serve in the army; some JWs were executed for other reasons; some JWs were murdered in the camps; some JWs "just died" in the camps because of hunger, sickness etc.; some JWs perished during the war; then there is the fact that in some instances, one is taling about GERMAN JWs; elsewhere, EUROPEAN JWs is discussed; elsewhere, JWs of various nationalities BUT ON GERMAN GROUND, or IN GERMAN OCCUPIED TERRITORY etc.

    So unless one is specific, one will get different figures, different replies.

    But in my opinion - please, not any one of you should be disrespectful when talking about these, they are martyrs for their faith, martyrs for the Christian belief of not joining militarism. Being disrespectful is spitting on the memory of giants - when you consider how the big churches were only too keen in saying "Heil Hitler!"

  • Dansk

    Hi J.C.MacHislopp,

    Have you tried typing or pasting your comments into Notepad and then copying and pasting here? It works for me.


  • Norm

    My last post was completely mangled so I am trying again.

    Hey Farkel,

    Long time no see. Well here is what I found when I scoured the WT
    literature back in the days. You find it here:



    Not much consistency in the WT when they try to make their tiny piss ant
    religion seem huge.


  • justhuman

    they can claim as many as they can..they are God's people, can you question them?

  • R.Crusoe

    Another million humans will be dead by the end of the week. Death itself is no proof of anything apart from we all die! It's amazing how many millions have been killed in other countries under military rule without any thought that it was of some religious significance. Many have been tortured suffering for weeks on end and are forgotten about forever. Jesus, famous for his plight has been imprinted on many of our brains from childhood as having suffered for us, but his suffering is far from unique in human-kinds history. As a JW these figures (CCdeaths) were used to well up a fervor in ones soul as part of some community spirit. I think it was probably the spirit of warlessness that Jesus symbolised which is being promoted. In this respect I concur with the point but overstating the case does become wearisome. The actual numbers are less significant than the message. It surprised me to learn over 20 million Russians died in ww11 yet their story seems much less well known than that of other groups. Now that is a big number - though Jesus himself is only 1. peculiar how the significance is so skewed in our minds as to which is most unjust. Analysing motives seems to give us all a magnified sense of significance. Sadly, the motives of many who died are dead with them. It is perplexing that an all powerful God is satisfied at this second in time, having the vast majority of humankind ignorant of His purposes and nature whilst trusting it to a relatively small group who are unsure themselves of how to ensure all humanity gets the message whilst dying at the rate of 1 million a week. That is if you believe theirs is His truth! Those sorts of figures want some thinking about!!

  • MacHislopp

    Hello again,

    this time after downloading a free version of notepad, I'm sending the research on the quotes from the WTBS Inc.

    publications starting from the year 1943. It is not as nice as my original, but presentable.


    How many Jehovah’s Witnesses were imprisoned and how many died in the Nazi's concentration camps?

    From the book: The Truth shall make you free” published by the WTBS Inc. New York, Chapter XXIV , page 316 :
    « Eventually 6000 of them were thrown into concentration camps, isolated and distinguished
    fromother by a violet badge , and most brutally treated”.

    7 years later:


    *** w50 12/15 p. 500 Jehovah’s Witnesses Again Endure Totalitarian Hate ***
    “With the mass-arresting of Jehovah’s witnesses these people have now, for the second time within a couple of decades, donned the martyr’s crown—and they know what that means. Already during the Hitler regime about 1,000 Jehovah’s witnesses were executed as traitors, because they not only refused to serve in the war but openly opposed Hitler’s authority. Another 1,000 of Jehovah’s witnesses died in prisons and concentration camps, and all who have afterwards been describing life in those camps have in their books given Jehovah’s witnesses the very highest recognition.

    8 years later:


    *** w51 2/15 pp. 105-106 An Open Answer to “The Vindicator” ***
    That is why during the Nazi regime in Germany from 1933 to 1945 Jehovah’s witnesses in that land refused to heil Hitler! as their Fuehrer or Leader, and went to concentration camps and prisons, where 2,000 died cruel deaths, and of the 8,000 that came out alive, 2,000 were invalided for the rest of their lives.

    11 years later:


    *** w54 12/1 pp. 724-725 par. 17 The Fight for Freedom to Preach World-wide ***
    17 It is a familiar story about the fight for freedom fought by Jehovah’s witnesses to preach in Nazi- and Fascist-dominated lands from 1933 to 1945. Thousands were thrown into the concentration camps. Many were tortured and killed. Countless numbers died because of their loyalty to Jehovah God.

    12 years later:


    *** w55 8/1 pp. 462-463 Part 15—Foreign Activities Under Fascist-Nazi Persecution ***
    Thus a mad national effort was embarked upon, to eliminate Jehovah’s witnesses from the German national scene. In the course of the dark years that followed thousands of witnesses were arrested, falsely convicted and put in prisons and concentration camps where many of them suffered unspeakably. Some two thousand witnesses lost their lives in this struggle to keep faithful integrity to Jehovah.

    21 years later:


    *** w64 1/1 p. 13 par. 19 They Listened to an Angel ***
    19 Hitler, a Roman Catholic, the arm of his church in Germany, forbade Jehovah’s witnesses to preach the kingdom of God, and these modern-day Christians had to say to Hitler’s Gestapo police: ‘Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves.’ They kept preaching even though 10,000 of them were put in concentration camps and over 4,000 died there. The rest nearly starved to death. The war’s end aided their survival.

    31 years later:


    *** yb74 p. 212 Part 3—Germany ***
    A total of 2,000 brothers and sisters had been put into concentration camps, where they had spent 8,078 years and six months, an average of four years. A total of 635 had died in prison, 253 had been sentenced to death and 203 of these had actually been executed. What a record of integrity!

    31 years later:


    *** g74 1/22 p. 32 Would You Remain Loyal? ***

    In Nazi Germany Jehovah’s witnesses refused to compromise. They remained loyal to righteous principles. They had no share in Hitler’s political or military aggressions. Just a few decades ago, hundreds died in his concentration camps. But thousands came out strong in faith.

    36 years later:


    *** w79 11/1 p. 7 Neutrality in a Mixed-up World ***
    Many Christian witnesses of Jehovah in Nazi Germany and elsewhere lost their lives in maintaining neutrality. As they faced death they drew comfort from Jesus’ words: “Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna [eternal death].” (Matt. 10:28)

    41 years later:


    *** w84 10/1 p. 8 Impressed by the Integrity of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
    The title of Dr. King’s book is The Nazi State and the New Religions: Five Case Studies in Non-Conformity.
    Most outstanding among Dr. King’s findings are the figures of deaths and imprisonment of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These indicate that the figures previously published by the Witnesses were greatly underestimated. Dr. King’s source for these statistics was a volume published in Munich, Germany, by Michael Kater. “My own perusal of Court and Gestapo records,” she declared, “would certainly support these higher figures.”
    What are these figures? “Some 10,000 were imprisoned, and together they received sentences totalling 20,000 years. One out of every two German Witnesses was imprisoned, one in four lost their lives.

    41 years later:


    *** g84 12/8 p. 13 Nazi-Fascist Attacks on Witnesses ***
    Some were not only victims but also martyrs, for they could have obtained their release. That was the case, according to one source, with the 10,000 Witnesses, men and women, who were victims of the sadism and brutality that Hitler and his S.S. henchmen had organized. Those Witnesses were given the opportunity to sign a paper renouncing their religion and thus go free. Very few accepted.—See The Nazi State and the New Religions: Five Case Studies in Non-Conformity, by Dr. Christine E. King.
    Of the 10,000, about 2,500 never did go free, according to the above source—they died in Dachau, Belsen, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, Mauthausen and other camps—faithful to their God, Jehovah, and their exemplar, Christ. Aside from those who were gassed, many died as a result of beatings, starvation and medical experimentation. Others, including women, were executed by being hanged, beheaded or shot.

    43 years later:


    *** w86 1/1 p. 10 par. 3 Days Like “the Days of Noah” ***
    . And as to persecution, Jesus forewarned his disciples, saying: “They will put some of you to death.” Hundreds of our brothers died at the violent hands of Nazi Hitler. Jehovah will remember all of such in the resurrection

    45 years later:


    *** re chap. 8 p. 40 par. 9 Striving to Be Conquerors ***
    9 During Nazi rule in Germany, Hitler completely banned the preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. For years, thousands of Witnesses were cruelly confined in concentration camps and prisons, where many died, while some 200 young men who refused to fight in Hitler’s army were executed.


    *** re chap. 27 p. 185 par. 28 God’s Kingdom Is Born! ***
    28 This vicious flood of persecution reached a high point during World War II. In Europe some 12,000 Witnesses were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps and prisons, and about 2,000 died.

    46 years later:


    *** w89 1/1 p. 21 par. 13 “To Jehovah Belongs the Battle” ***
    . The book Mothers in the Fatherland reported: “[Jehovah’s Witnesses] were sent to concentration camps, a thousand of them were executed, and another thousand died between 1933 and 1945. . . . Catholics and Protestants heard their clergy urge them to cooperate with Hitler.

    47 years later:


    *** w90 2/1 p. 22 par. 9 Exposing “the Man of Lawlessness” ***
    9 Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses have surrendered their soul in behalf of their friends in obeying the law of love. A review of the book Kirchenkampf in Deutschland (Fight of the Churches in Germany), by Friedrich Zipfel, says regarding the Witnesses: “Ninety-seven percent of the members of this small religious group were victims of National Socialistic [Nazi] persecution. One third of them were killed, either by execution, other violent acts, hunger, sickness or slave labor

    50 years later:


    *** g93 5/8 p. 4 Victims or Martyrs What Is the Difference? ***
    During the Nazi period in Germany (1933-45), Jehovah’s Witnesses suffered terrible persecution for daring to remain neutral and for refusing to serve in Hitler’s war effort. Thousands were sent to the dreaded concentration camps, where many were executed and others died from mistreatment.


    *** g93 5/8 p. 31 A Holocaust Museum and Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
    The Nazis thus banned them as an organization in April 1933. Accused of both civil and religious disobedience, they were among the first groups to be thrown into concentration camps. “Ultimately, more than 30,000 Witnesses were persecuted by the Nazis,” states a museum newsletter.


    *** g93 5/8 p. 32 “‘Jehovah’ Erased by Nazis” ***
    All of this was part of the Nazis’ campaign of persecution of the Jews. At the same time, it was doubtless intended to strike a blow against Jehovah’s Witnesses, who had been banned since 1933 and were also being sent to the concentration camps.
    In 1933 there were 19,268 active Witnesses in Germany.

    52 years later:


    *** g95 8/22 p. 10 The Evils of Nazism Exposed ***
    Why were Jehovah’s Witnesses so well acquainted with the concentration camps? When World War II started in 1939, there were already 6,000 Witnesses confined in camps and prisons. German historian Detlef Garbe estimates that the Witnesses constituted at that time between 5 and 10 percent of the total camp population!

    At a seminar on the Witnesses and the Holocaust, Garbe stated: “Of the 25,000 persons who admitted to being Jehovah’s Witnesses at the beginning of the Third Reich, about 10,000 were imprisoned for any length of time. Of these, over 2,000 were admitted to concentration camps. This means that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were, with the exception of the Jews, the worst persecuted by the SS of all the religious based groups.”


    53 years later:


    ** g96 9/8 p. 30 From Our Readers ***

    However, as a group Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to support the Nazi regime. Thus, they became the targets of vicious persecution by Hitler’s government. Thousands suffered imprisonment in concentration camps, and many died there. See our August 22, 1995, issue.—ED.

    53 years later:


    *** g96 1/8 p. 28 Watching the World ***

    Interestingly, the Tribune observed that historian John S. Conway, of the University of British Columbia, Canada, said that the only religious organization that absolutely refused to follow the Nazis was Jehovah’s Witnesses. He added that for this more than half were sent to concentration camps.

    54 years later:


    *** g97 8/22 p. 26 Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia ***
    Because Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to cry out ‘Heil Hitler’ and serve in Hitler’s army, many thousands of believers were sent to Nazi concentration camps, and thousands died.

    57 years later:


    *** g00 12/22 p. 18 The First One a Hundred Years Ago ***

    In 1933 the branch was confiscated by the Nazis, the Witnesses were banned and, in time, two thousand of them were sent to concentration camps.

    57 years later:

    *** w00 4/1 p. 19 par. 5 Fighters Against God Will Not Prevail! ***

    5 Dictatorships emerged in the 1930’s, and Germany, Italy, and Japan united to form the Axis powers. Early in that decade, barbaric persecution was unleashed against God’s people, notably in Nazi Germany. Bans were imposed. Homes were searched, and their occupants were arrested. Thousands were thrown into concentration camps because they refused to renounce their faith.

    58 years later:


    *** g01 4/22 p. 5 A Focus of the Soviet Attack ***

    Further increase, “unbelievable as it may sound,” Kolarz wrote, came from “the German concentration camps.” The Nazis had imprisoned thousands of Witnesses for refusing to support Hitler and his war of aggression.

    58 years later:


    *** w01 3/15 p. 9 Courageous Integrity Keepers Triumph Over Nazi Persecution ***
    By 1939, six thousand of them had been imprisoned, and thousands had been sent to concentration camps. (Picture 3) What was the situation by the end of World War II? Some 2,000 imprisoned Witnesses had died, over 250 by execution.

    61 years later:


    *** w04 12/1 p. 26 Trusting in Jehovah’s Loving Care ***
    In 1936 and 1937, the Gestapo conducted mass arrests and threw thousands of Witnesses into prisons and concentration camps, where they suffered the most cruel and sadistic treatment.

    62 years later:


    *** w05 12/15 p. 22 par. 13 Whom Do You Obey—God or Men? ***

    His efficient death machine seemed more than equal to the task. The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. They even managed to kill some Witnesses.

    63 years later:


    *** w06 2/15 p. 32 “What Does the Purple Triangle Mean?” ***
    In Germany under the Nazi regime, Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to heil Hitler, and they maintained neutrality on political and military issues. So the Nazis cruelly persecuted them, incarcerating some 12,000 Witnesses for varying lengths of time in prisons and concentration camps. About 2,000 of them died, hundreds being executed.

    64 years later:


    *** es07 p. 17 February ***
    Thursday, February 1
    You may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.—Acts 5:39.
    When Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany refused to heil Adolf Hitler as their Führer, Hitler vowed to exterminate them. (Matt. 23:10) His efficient death machine seemed more than equal to the task. The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. They even managed to kill some Witnesses.

    From outside souces :

    The Victim List Project was approved in November 2000 f

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Name Lists Catalog
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Name Lists
    By 1939, approximately 6,000 Jehovah's Witnesses from the Reich (including Austria and the Protectorate) were incarcerated in prisons or camps. Of those 20,000 German Witnesses who remained active throughout the Nazi period, approximately one-half were convicted at some juncture during that time. Between 2,000 and 2,500 German Witnesses and 700-800 non-German Witnesses were interned in concentration camps. The number of Jehovah's Witness deaths in the camps totaled approximately 1000 German Witnesses and 400 non-German Witnesses (including 90 Austrians and 120 Dutch). It is worth noting that non-German Jehovah's Witnesses suffered a considerably higher death rate than German Witnesses. In addition to the above number, approximately 250 Germans were executed, mostly following military tribunals for refusal to commit to military service.


    from the : NSW Jewish Board of Deputies 2000@((Australia)


    In April 1933 19,268 Jehovah's Witnesses were living in Germany. Some 10 000 were arrested and of these, 4-5000 were murdered. Their organisation was outlawed, despite the fact that it endorsed a traditional religiously-motivated antisemitism. Families were broken up; children removed from their parents and handed into the custody of the State. From 1937 adult Jehovah's Witnesses were sent to concentration camps, where they were identified by purple triangles. In their suffering the Jehovah's Witnesses saw a sign from God; they saw their fate as unmistakable proof of their future salvation. They followed the guards' orders willingly and for this they earned the distrust and condemnation of fellow inmates. More than 1500 Jehovah's Witnesses died in the camps.


    Greetings to all,


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