Jdub deaths in nazi death camps how many

by buffalosrfree 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • buffalosrfree

    As per the subject, I am looking for quick references on just how many deaths actuallyh occured during WWII??????? Pls need info for book study!!!1

  • ninja

    I heard one died choking on a sirloin steak at dachau

  • ninja

    but dont quote me on that

  • Gopher

    Although the JW publication "Revelation - It's Grand Climax at Hand" claims that 2,000 perished at the hands of the Nazis, it appears that the actual number was 635.


    The 635 figure appears on page 197 of James Penton's book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich: Sectarian Politics under Persecution". (Penton is a historian and former JW.)

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I believe the Simon Wiesnthal center has that information. I wouldn't trust any info out of NY

  • 5go

    Not that much from what I have read on JW's and the camps and I believe most were Jewish to begin with.

  • monophonic

    man, they just want to even give creative stats regarding the holocaust....they've been dancing that dance of 'look at how great we were' and 'this can happen any time again b/c the great tribulation, so stick with us'.

    you know what would be a better statistic, how many died in malawi b/c the wtbts was too proud to reverse their idiotic decision and trying to save face....i bet it's more than in the concentration camps.

  • bobld

    The 1988 edition of the Revelation.Its Grand Climax At Hand.Page 185 para 28,"In Europe some ten thousand Witnesses were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps, and thousands died" The 2005 printing of the same book"In Europe some 12,000 Witnesses were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps and prisons,and about 2,000 died.They WBTS is wishy-washy with their numbers.Was it 10,000 or 12,000,was it 1.000 or 2,000.You can't go by their numbers,because they can change their history without a blink of an eye.


  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    hard to tell, as the nazis applied the term "bible students" not only to JWs, but also to adventists, bible students who didn't join the JW schism and other smaller groups/cults.

  • nvrgnbk

    I always was under the impression it was about 6,000.

    Then I remember being surprised to read it was more like 2,000.

    To think it was more like six hundred is something else.

    Pretty sloppy accounting I'd say.

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