and so it goes...

by metaspy 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metaspy

    This morning I started this topic:

    Now I shall post the follow-up.
    As I predicted, my mom would come with elders in tow to have a conversation.
    Actually, she threw me for a loop at first. No elders with her.
    She had them wait a half an hour then she let them in.
    Thus I couldn't reject the whole lot of them at the door, she was their way in.
    Secondly, she brought the elders from the nearby hall, not the ones who know me.
    the whole time I thought she would go for someone who she knows can dominate my thinking, but instead she went with the unknown.

    So conversation with my mom went something like this (I kept silent mostly):
    "You don't love Jehovah"
    "You owe it to Jehovah to keep trying"
    "I could have killed myself when you were younger, but I stayed alive to keep you in the truth"
    "How do you think Jah feels about you leaving His organization?"
    Somewhere in there she hit a cord that made me start crying (d**n). She knew she was winning.
    Just after I cleared up my tears, in come the elders.

    they now deny everything. EVERYTHING!
    All evidence from Barbara's CD - never happened.
    catch phrases of the elders: IF that is true... If that happened...
    I even pointed to some of the most vilifying evidence I could bring out - elder response: you can't trust the world.
    they went so far as to say that some of the evidence was forged.

    Apparently today's talk was on loyalty. That fit in nicely.
    also, elder #2 was the one to give it - coincidence? I think not.

    After that mental beating, I need to go and refresh my memory of why I made the decision to leave in the first place.
    I can't remember, too many mismatching facts...

  • Junction-Guy

    Does it surprise you that they would lie to you and try to cover up the Watchtower's dealings?


    You know why you are leaving. What mismatched facts? It's mismatched facts and lies. You know what the lies are.

    Hang tough. We've got your back.

  • metaspy

    A&W, I just need to reread all the facts.
    I hurt my head to not be able to nail these guys down to any facts.
    Many times elder #1 would say, "that was in the 70s, not now".
    I wanted to call "bull****" but I couldn't without proof. I didn't actually let them see the CD.
    I figured that would be instant DF for purchasing it, and I am trying to avoid that.

  • Junction-Guy

    The only facts that a JW might believe is if Jehovah himself came down to earth and publicly rebuked the Watchtower, and even then many JW's would still not believe it.

    What issues as an XJW are most important to you? How were you personally affected by being raised a JW? Work within those boundaries and you should fare much better.

  • momzcrazy


    I only left a month ago and sometimes I have trouble remembering why. Of course the news brought some of it back! I think I am just so content and happy being out I no longer have to convince myself I am justified. Another thing I remind myself, I owe NO ONE an explanation. If anyone asks I tell them I made a decision and that's final. My sis on the other hand will probably spill all when she DA's herself, six page letter to explain why. Everyone's different.

    Good on ya tho' for sitting thru it all and trying. Pat yourself on the back!


  • metaspy

    Junction Guy,
    I did know that my mom would deny, but I figured the elders would know something.
    nothing seems to touch them.
    What is it called .... cognitive dissonance ?? [still shaking my head thinking about it]

  • Junction-Guy

    Those elders probably know much more about it than they are letting on. If they were to crack and reveal it, then it could affect your mom, thus they remain silent.

  • snowbird

    They know. They know everything. They're taught in the Elders' School how to be deceptive and manipulative. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S?


  • Junction-Guy

    Good answer Snowbird !!! Now why didnt I think of that?

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