and so it goes...

by metaspy 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metaspy

    Well, they have a new school to go to in the upcoming year.
    Probably more deception, more info on how to handle crap from people like me.

  • Junction-Guy

    Exactly Metaspy, and that is why they put the Elders through so much training.

    Metaspy, I went undercover this year and allowed myself to "study" with 3 JW Elders. All 3 of them lied to me, even the young man that accompanied them. One of the Elders told a complete bare faced lie to me, with the approval of the other Elder sitting close by.

  • nomoreguilt

    You know of course that the tears on your part ara a plus for your cause, they love to see tears. Indicates remorse on your part, they love remorse. All in all I think it went well on your part. You in effect got into their mindset, you heard the company line and that all is not well in paradise. Believe me, what happened to you today no doubt happened to many others. There is no doubt in my mind that the firemen are on alert and are out trying to put out as many fires as they can. You will though be hearing from them again.Gird yourself for the next bout. Take care

  • restrangled

    metaspy you are showing great courage. They don't call it triple teaming for nothing. Even Shaq has a tough time with those. Instead of trying to arm yourself for unecessary face to face combat, I'd take a deep breath and write a letter that puts your thoughts down on paper. You have a great ability to express yourself in written form. Like previous posters said, you need to be crystal clear in your own mind regarding the child abuse issue.

    I would put a kabosh on any further face to face uninvited meetings with strangers and if pressed again, I would make it a policy to only correspond in the future IN WRITING ONLY.

    If you eliminate the face to face element, you take away their control and ability to ambush you.

    You call the shots in your life, not them.

    R's Hubby

  • brunnhilde

    Metaspy, they can't deny that the WT settled for $14 million with victims of child abuse. That happened. It's public record. You'll find all the backup you need to remind and reassure yourself you had good reason to leave. Don't get caught up in trying to convince them though. There's none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE. Hold tight.


  • Hortensia

    It doesn't matter why you are leaving the org. You are an adult - you live on your own. You don't have to explain yourself to them or to your mother. Tell your mother not to do that again if she wants to keep a relationship with you. Tell the elders to piss off - your life is none of their business. I guarantee you will love the high that comes from telling people where to get off.

  • dawg

    Man, Please don't get pissed when I say this but I must be frank.

    1st off, since you know they know you have doubts-they're coming back, document the facts you have in writing... leave this site right now and do some research using their own data that will allow you to bust them a new ass when they come calling next time.

    ALways remember they're the idiots not you... and always keep asking them where in the bible it says you're an apostate for questioning men. If they say that questioning the org is the same as questioning god, tell them that statement is basphemy-that's becasue it freaking is blasphemy!

    Bro, as I've said, don't get pissed, but grow some spine man... what? Do you think fools that have been duped by the absolute idiots in the GB are smarter then you? THe simple fact they've not figured out what a sham the org. is proves beyond a doubt they're not too smart. Write down a list of all the dumb shit this organization has done over the years and keep asking them why "god's spirit" would direct "god's channell" into doing such damn stupid things. 3

    Come on bro, take this opportunity to kick a little JW ass and to start a new relationship with mom, one that's on equal footing.

    And last but not least, "and so it goes" is a quote from "Slaughterhouse 5" anyone that reads Vonnegut is far more educated then the average witness, don't take crap from morons and kick some ass, it may cause a rift and some pain, but look at the pain you in now? How's that working out for you? How many more years are you going to live like that?

  • Honesty
    Junction Guy,
    I did know that my mom would deny, but I figured the elders would know something.
    nothing seems to touch them.
    What is it called .... cognitive dissonance ?? [still shaking my head thinking about it]

    That is why they were selected to be elders. The WTBTS believes that they will be loyal to that Ho of a religion no matter what it does.

  • Honesty

    1st off, since you know they know you have doubts-they're coming back, document the facts you have in writing... leave this site right now and do some research using their own data that will allow you to bust them a new ass when they come calling next time.

    ALways remember they're the idiots not you... and always keep asking them where in the bible it says you're an apostate for questioning men. If they say that questioning the org is the same as questioning god, tell them that statement is basphemy-that's becasue it freaking is blasphemy!

    Bro, as I've said, don't get pissed, but grow some spine man... what? Do you think fools that have been duped by the absolute idiots in the GB are smarter then you? THe simple fact they've not figured out what a sham the org. is proves beyond a doubt they're not too smart. Write down a list of all the dumb shit this organization has done over the years and keep asking them why "god's spirit" would direct "god's channell" into doing such damn stupid things. Dawg

    That's right.

    The udder brudders asked me if I still believed that Jehovah was using the Faithful Slave when I started questioning and they didn't have any answers.

    The whole lot of them are FRAUDS.

    Don't let these men mess with your head. You are smarter than they ever will be.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Just because you cried does not mean they're winning. It means you're human and you're winning.

    To face that kind of trial and still not give into the FOG (fear, obligation and guilt) is a monumental task in the beginning.

    Someday you'll look back on that and barely be able to remember most of what was said by any of those so-called elders because it is all VERY forgettable; that's why THEY need to go to 5 meetings a week, so they don't forget all the BS and come to realize that it IS BS, an accomplishment you can congratulate yourself for.

    Continue learning new things and stay away from JCs and elders' meetings wheneever possible. Sorry to hear you got ambushed like that!

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