If you dont believe in God...according to the bible you are a fool!

by Blackboo 136 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Blackboo

    Of course i wont hear a logical answer..especially from someone who is bent on not believing in God but evolution. To those who believe in God what do ya,ll think?

  • nvrgnbk

    You've helped many much more than you can possibly realize, Blackboo.


  • PEC

    “Faith is a cop-out. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can’t be taken on its own merits.” - Dan Barker


  • Vinny

    "To those who believe in God what do ya,ll think?"

  • B_Deserter

    "How can they deny and refuse to see that the earth and the universe was created by God?"
    Quite easily

    "How can they deny all the millions of different creatures and thousands of different animals?"
    We don't

    "They all show evidence of creation and deliberate design!"
    You're seeing animals in clouds here. Why do whales have hip bones? Why do the eating and breathing tubes in humans connect, making it extremely easy to choke to death? Why do men have nipples? Why do people grow hair but not enough to keep them warm, therefore serving no purpose? I see no evidence of deliberate design, but the thousands of examples of vestigial/useless features in animals point strongly to evolution.

    "Who did it? You non-believers in God you mean to tell me the earth, universe, animals, and creatures all came by chance?"
    No. Not ONE biologist, atheist, evolutionists says that it all came about by chance. You're making a straw-man argument. Evolution is the survival of species based on how fit they are for their environment, that is all. It does not deal with life coming from non-life. It does not deal with the big bang. It is merely the best scientific explanation of the variety of life on earth, THAT'S, IT. So many creationists bring up the objection that it all couldn't have come out by chance. We know why lighting strikes certain places. We can even attract it with lightning rods. Just because we no longer believe that God sends down lightning bolts doesn't mean that we believe lightning strikes a place by chance. The reason lightning strikes where it does has to do with the electrical charge in that area. It's the same way with evolution. An animal that feeds on leaves born with a slightly longer neck will be more successful at gathering food, therefore, that animal will be more likely to pass on it's genes. That is not chance, that is a reason. You just don't like it because the reason doesn't need to include a God.

    "How can something come from nothing? Fire, energy, gases, and light all come from God!"
    Something can't come from nothing and no atheist believes that, again a straw man argument. Please provide evidence that fire energy, gases and light all come from God, unless of course you worship Coleman lanterns.

    "These things are Self-existent and eternal like God."
    Fire exists by itself and is eternal? Don't think so, pal. Try again.

    "Even though its hard for the human mind to wrap its thinking of how can something exist forever with no start is acceptable...but the evidence around the world and universe show that something does exist above TIME AND SPACE."
    Just because it's hard for a human to comprehend something automatically makes God the explanation? How exactly does that work? Also, please cite the so-called evidence that the world and universe show something does exist above time and space.

    "His design shows intelligence that is beyond comprehension."
    Please see my above examples of bad design (i.e. whales/snakes with pelvises, vestigial organs, etc.). The universe is so hostile to human life, only a VERY tiny percent of it is even livable by humans. Humans can't even live on over 75% of the earth's surface. Saying that the earth was designed for humans is like saying the nose was designed for spectacles.

    "Some creatures and animals show how powerful and intelligent God is"
    Which creatures and how do they show this?

    "...man dont want to admit and give God his props for such creations."
    What about the fact that you don't want to consider your fairy-tale deity just might be a myth just like the other 1,000,000 Gods you don't believe in? This is just a bad argument. Even if man didn't want to "admit" God exists, that doesn't prove God exists. Most people don't commit murder, does that mean they don't want to admit that murder is a good thing?

    "God reveals his self through creation!"
    God sure sucks at it then. How come 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived on earth are now EXTINCT?

    "Satan is really busy today having men reject what is obvious and form ridiculous theorys about creation, universe, and the earth."
    And here comes the big, bad Lucifer MAKING people question mythology

    "Some may same if God existed for forever then who created God? If that was the case then who created the person who created God? Then you will have to logically include that the cycle never ends if that was the case..actually it will go on forever!"
    Or I can conclude that the whole "God" idea is a silly fairy story.

    "Thats why God is self-eternal..no one made him."
    So if God, the super omnipotent being simply has ALWAYS existed, and (KEY POINT HERE>>>) without the need of a creator, then why does the less complex material universe require this creatorless creator? Logically, the more plausible alternative is that the universe has always existed in one form or another.

    "Think of your mother..who created your mother? Of course your Grandmother! Okk..so who created your grandmother? Great grandmother of course. Now you see where im going with this...? The cycle can keep going on and on forever but humans have not existed for millions of years like the lie of evolution. We had a start point blank. We all came from one woman..that started the human race."
    How exactly does this prove your point? You're saying that since humans had a start that proves God didn't?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    And this is not even about religion its about COMMON SENSE..which alot of so called intelligent people lack. These so called intelligent teachers of evolution are in there OWN world..and deluded beyond help. Common sense. An interesting choice of words. What is common sense? Is it communal belief in a story? If most of the people in the community believe in the story, then we can sense that is true? I think this is the definition of common sense to many.

    However, in the strictest definition of the words, "common sense" is something that we all know is true or exists because we can all sense it with the senses that we all have in common. For instance, we can all see a tree, so we can agree that it exists. It is common sense. We can all hear a thunderclap, so we know it has occured. It is common sense. We can all feel the pressure of the wind blowing on us, so we know it exists. It is common sense. We can all smell the bread cooking so we know someone on the street is baking bread. It is common sense. We can all taste the chocolate melting on our tongue, so we know we are eating chocolate. It is common sense. God and common sense are mutually exclusive. We do not all sense and experience God. We do not have that in common as a species. Now, if I go a step further and say you are all tasting this chocolate and it is freaking great! It is the greatest thing ever! All hail chocolate! It is clearly the food of the "gods" Then, I am not using "common sense". I am using my own selective, subjective opinions and preferences, drawing a conclusion and telling others a story about it. I may get most people to agree with my story. That still does not make it common sense. I could just be charismatic and persuavive. I could be a bully who threatened to beat up all who don't declare chocolate the greatest flavor ever! Evolution on the other hand is "common sense". Any human who possess a microscope, a set of working eyes and a few spare bacteria, can see (sense) it. Of course, they have to be willing to open their eyes and look through the lens. Cog (of the "all who believe vanilla is the only true superior flavor are obviously delusional!" class)
  • marmot

    The thing is, Mr. BlackBoo, that you're not so much intent on condemning people who don't believe in God as you are on condemning people who don't believe in YOUR god.

    I assume that since you hold the bible in high authority that you're some form of Christian, right? What are your views on the thousands of different sects of Christianity? Is only the particular form you espouse the correct one? According to Islam, only Muhammad the prophet has the correct interpretation of the sayings of god. Did you know Muslims worship Jehovah? They just refer to him as Allah, a contraction of the Arabic saying Al'Lah meaning "The one and only God." Yet I feel pretty safe in assuming you feel they fall under the "fools" category, right?

    That form of intolerance is what has made religion such a repugnant thing.

    And when I asked to to disprove evidence of human existence long before biblical Adam I was being very serious. In North America there have been discovered mammoth skeletons with embedded spear points. These were dated (by different forms of absolute dating methods) to around 13,000 years old. Adam supposedly was created a little over 6,000 years ago according to the bible. Who made those spear points and hunted those mammoths? There are even older examples of human activity found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Why did these people exist before the time god (at least your god) says he created the first couple?

  • blueviceroy

    Hubris :Overbearing pride,arrogance (American Heritage Dictionary)

  • B_Deserter

    "Of course most people who dont believe in him or the bible will get offended...but thats what Jesus exactly said...most our blinded by Satan and all the ridiculous ideas of man."

    Let's say I told you I could fly, but most people would ridicule you for believing me. If they did end up ridiculing you, does that prove I can fly? The Westboro Baptist Church uses the scripture where Jesus said his true followers would be hated to prove to themselves they're right. Does that mean the Westboro Baptist Church (they're the ones that picket military funerals with signs that say "God hates US Soliders" and "Thank God for IEDs.") is the right religion? I'm not sure what this logical fallacy is called but I'm going to call it the predictive response fallacy.

  • nvrgnbk

    What are your thoughts on Ahura Mazda, Blackboo?

    The uncreated Creator.

    Do you believe in and worship Him?

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