As a teenager what was your 1st car

by XOCO 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • pmouse

    Mine was a 1965 Ford Mustang, metallic blue, 3 speed 280 engine. I learned to drive in it and in 1971-72 in high school, it was considered "cool" car. Of course, the first time I drove it to school, I nearly burnt out the clutch at an intersection where I had to come to a complete stop. It was on an incline, in FLORIDA for cryin' out loud!

  • Cicatrix

    My mother wouldn't allow me to have a car. I didn't get my first car until I was 28. It was a red Dodge Daytona Shelby Z. TOTALLY unfit for field service, as I was often remindedI LOVED that car!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Mine was a 1971 bright yellow Lovebug (VW Beetle) - I loved it, I was 17 and whenever you came across other bug owners on the road you'd always wave to each other. I cried when I had to say goodbye to it because it needed too much work done to it, and the rust was beginning to set in. It used to go like a dream though and quite fast as it was a 1600 engine.

  • jwfacts

    A 1972 Datsun 180B, got it for $150. It was 15 years old and started first time every time.

  • Undecided

    1950 Chev. 2 door coop. for $275 with 35.000 miles. I customized it, had it painted, twin exhaust. Really loved that car. Traded it for a 53 6 cyl ford and put an Oldsmobile motor in it. Drove it to California twice. Wish I could live those days again.

    Ken P.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    My Dad's 1984 OLDS Omega.

  • XOCO

    awe man i knew this would be a hot topic i mean the folder is on fire, now i've got to know a little bit about everybody else

    thx XOCO

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    A 1966 Simka with an oil cap for a gas cap and a sock for an oil cap. No heat, no a/c, it wouldn't go faster than 50 mph and would lose speed going up a hill. The gas line would freeze in the winter so I had to park over a gutter as that air was slightly warmer.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    1983 Plymouth Horizon. Bought it from my oldest brother. Totaled it a few months later, no insurance. Easy come, easy go.

  • Mincan

    Red 1994 1.6L Toyota Tercel, it had 400,000km on it, well used, I got it the end of 2004.

    Like this but bright red.

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