The MIstake Witnesses Will Make On March 10, 2008

by t33ap80c 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • t33ap80c

    Hi Hubert,

    I'm working on an answer to your post.

    Don Cameron

  • seek2find

    Ive been thinking for some time now that it would be useful to have a side by side comparison of the Revelation Climax book and the Finished Mystery book, so we can compare what was taught in 1919 (The year of the supposed inspection) and Today. That would be a powerful tool to show how, Christ couldn't have inspected the Organization and found it to be providing food at the proper time. Because it's so different than that taught today. seek2find

  • AlphaOmega

    It would be good to use this to encourage a few to wake up.

    I have studied with a Witness who decided to research some of the history after studying with me.

    I showed him the usual stuff about 1914 being touted at the end etc. The thing that didn't set any alarm bells ringing with him was that the conversation arose from discussing the Revelation Climax book's claim that "since the mid 1870s... 1914 was predicted as the START of the time of trouble."

    He even called Bethel to verify the information.

    Sadly he is still blinded by the attractiveness of being in Jehovah's sole earthly organisation.

  • t33ap80c


    The January 15, 2008 Watchtower says that the article in question will be considered during the week of March 10-16. Apparently the actual Watchtower Study will take place on Sunday the 16th rather than on the 10th, which falls on a Monday.


  • OnTheWayOut

    How far in advance do they print their magazines? March 2008 has already been printed? How come they’re available, if the average witness hasn’t received these copies yet? Or have they?

    The mags come out ahead of the published date, so that JW's will read the magazine
    ahead of time. Then they will push the magazine in the field circus after having read it.

    The new "members only" mag won't be offered, but the January 15th comes at the same
    time as it did when it was a public offering.

    The WTS still hopes that JW's will read the study mag. ahead of time. That way, they will
    get to read it once now, and once later, then once more again at the meeting.

    Most magazines of any type put advance dates on the cover, so they can mail it out to
    subscriptions before they put it on the shelf, then so that it can sit on the shelf for awhile
    before anyone feels that it's "old."

  • oompa

    So as an inactive JW will I or anyone else in attendance for a JW only WT meeting be given a copy in order to follow along? Do we have to sneak peaks at the person next to us (my wife)? Can we freak them out by printing our on copy off the internet? How can I e-mail my dad/elder or wife about some of this info without tipping my hand about the source? What is kind of weird is that if you just show up to the meeting, you will hear everything anyway, so maybe the next thing will be closed door meetings for "members only?" BTW I really like that quote from page 164 of CLIMAX. The sentence before that is SO CLEAR ISN"T IT?......what the crap is a sackcloth message???...oompa

    They preached a "sackcloth" message concerning Jehovah’s judgment of Christendom and the world.


    The fact that they were symbolized by two witnesses confirms to us that their message was accurate and well founded.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis



    Sackcloth was associated with the mournful messages of doom or grief that God’s prophets had to proclaim. (Isaiah 3:8, 24-26; Jeremiah 48:37; 49:3) The wearing of sackcloth could indicate humility or repentance in view of divine warning. (Jonah 3:5) The sackcloth worn by the two witnesses appears to indicate their humble endurance in announcing Jehovah’s judgments. They were witnesses proclaiming his day of vengeance that would bring mourning also to the nations.—Deuteronomy 32:41-43.

    Most active JWs will dismiss the statement regarding accuracy on page 164 of the Revelation book, because the above quote is what is referred to by "accurate." Most will say simply that 'they had some specifics wrong, but they were the only group preaching Jehovah's day of vengance.' I suspect it might be good to present to them historical information on how many groups were expecting 'Jehovah's day of vengance.'

    However, I have had interesting responses at the book study when I mention that we were virtually indistinguishable from Christendom when Jesus appointed the slave. Once, I outlined that we prayed to Jesus, worshipped the cross, celebrated all holidays and were involved politically. After my comment, an elder's wife whispered to her husband, "It that right!"

    I'm sure they had quite a conversation afterwards.

  • dawg

    Dig another hole you Faithful slave... fools is all they are, and anyone with eyes can see it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    AK-Jeff asks if the board has changed. His and other threads have comments
    about it going through different periods. We are in a fluff period right now, but
    look forward to exciting things soon. After we get bored talking about the
    2008 District Conventions, and the 30 minute talks, we have Oompa's questions
    to be answered in March.

    So as an inactive JW will I or anyone else in attendance for a JW only WT meeting be given a copy in order to follow along? Do we have to sneak peaks at the person next to us (my wife)? Can we freak them out by printing our on copy off the internet?

    No matter what they do, it will be strange. I guess they will hand out extras
    just as they did before, but they might not have enough to go around. Then they
    will ask you to share them. I used to make copies of study articles when the
    mags ran out (usually during the covering of the third study article). With 4 or 5
    articles per issue, the regular dubs will lose them. Copies will be abundant unless
    the Borg insists that no copies be made. Either way, it will be strange.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Yes, it all does rest upon this issue!

    Problem is that JWs are trained to simply accept this on the basis that other teachings are the 'more important' ones.

    So to the JW things present in the Watchtower like rejection of the Trinity and hellfire, paradise earth, and using the name Jehovah all are used as a way to give this 1918 doctrine a free pass!

    When a person actually begins to look at this doctrine for what it is they begin their journey out of the Watchtower. It is the weakest link and also the most important.

    Thanks for bringing it up.

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