The MIstake Witnesses Will Make On March 10, 2008

by t33ap80c 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Interesting topic T33 thanks

    What was expressed there was essentially the very reason I personally left the JWS back in 1980, after absorbing years of the follow up to 1975

    and all the hype written in their literature and through talks, the question arouse how could it be possible that this was spiritual food being handed down to

    the faithful flock if this was indeed god's earthly organization, this didn't make any sense of reason .

    Thankfully I didn't hang around long to be taken in with all these contrived lies and BS and I certainly wasn't going to proselytize that to the general public as they wanted me to.

    Over the years I've come to realize the organization was just a profiteering publishing company with a religious flavor attached.

    I still find it dumbfounding that the people still there, haven't come to realize that yet .

  • t33ap80c

    Hi Lady Liberty,

    Someone made a PDF of the January 15, 2008 Watchtower available for download. But I don't remember where I got it.

    I'd like to change my user name from "t33ap80c" to "DonCameron" but I don't know how to do it. If anyone knows how this can be done please let me know.

    Don Cameron

  • AlphaOmega

    Lady Liberty, the article mentioned appears in the Jan 15th 2008 Watchtower :

    Interesting information on this thread - thanks all !

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Great thread DonCameron, and super adds Lady L.

    I copied and sent all this info to my parents. . .I try to stay in touch. . .

  • carla

    just marking for later use. Excellent point as always Don.

  • Sunspot

    Great topic, great thread and great comments!

  • bigmouth

    Excellent Don, I was feeling a bit jaded. I have a fresh angle for the 'friends' now!

  • hubert
    the article mentioned appears in the Jan 15th 2008 Watchtower :

    Don, can this Watchtower article be used to effectively persuade J.W.'s to conduct "History Studies" of Watchtower history before delving into a Bible Study?

    If so, maybe we here can set up a plan to do this, using your "Captives of a Concept" as a basis for discussion, without mentioning your book to the study teachers, of course.

    I'm not good at explaining myself. I hope you get what I mean.


  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Too tired to thoroughly read this thread because of the crap my family, especially my mother, is going through because of this loving spiritual organization, but I'm keeping this to read later.

    How far in advance do they print their magazines? March 2008 has already been printed? How come they’re available, if the average witness hasn’t received these copies yet? Or have they?

    One day I hope I can show my mother all this info. I wonder how she would feel if I gave her a copy of this and her discrediting it, then low and behold reading it for herself in her own magazine come January. But would she remember?

  • t33ap80c

    Hi Guest,

    The article that will be studied on March 10, 2008 is in the January 15, 2008 Watchtower.

    Don Cameron

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