Do you condemn the Society's no-blood policy and still do not DONATE BLOOD?

by nicolaou 60 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • carla

    Two self serving reasons to give-

    There is some evidence that if men give blood it could protect against heart disease. I read this years ago and just a quick search brought up this there's more if you care to research it.

    Ladies if you don't have health insurance it is one way to have your iron tested, heart beat, and blood pressure.

    Just roll up those sleeves and go give, it's not a big deal and doesn't take much time unless you are donating platelets.

  • BluesBrother

    They tell me that I am too old...They won't take it from just anybody, you know...

  • tec

    I haven't weighed enough until this year to donate blood. Maybe that's why I've always had to lay down after a single blood test. I can't imagine how bad I would be after donating whatever they take.


  • Mary

    I have to wait two more years before I can give as I had cancer 8 years ago. I was told that they want you to be cancer-free for 10 years before they'll even consider it.

  • sammielee24

    We should also remind everyone, that NOT giving blood would not in any way be hypocritical either, regardless of whether or not you condemn the no-blood policy. We shouldn't mix the two up.

    One is voluntary (including in cases of rare blood types who might match personally and not give to a bank) to save lives and thus is a personal choice. The other is involuntary, is not a personal choice but a directive and may result in death. sammieswife

  • exwhyzee

    We had a blood drive at work this week and I had been thinking about this topic.

    Like so many others, after being raised in the organization, I'm still carrying a lot of baggage. At this point, it's an up hill climb with four suitcases and a Watermelon. The "Watermelon" for me, is the blood issue. My father died from not taking a blood transfusion. Yet the idea, that using blood for medical purposes is wrong, still lingers with me even though I know better. Although it is now OK to accept blood fragments , the fact remains that someone allowed their blood to be drawn from their body and stored for use in another persons body. That "someone" according to the Watchtower, has displeased God in a big way and yet they now say it's ok for a Witness to use fragments of that "Someone's" blood without sharing in their sin. How convenient.

    One day, I hope to be free of both the baggage and the Watermelon so as to be able to donate blood or accept blood should I need it. Afterall, as a life long Witness, my blood is probably as clean as any blood can be. My wife also a recently faded Witness, works in a medical lab drawing and testing peoples blood all day long. Drawing peoples blood for testing purposes somehow falls under the radar of the Societies take on abstaning from blood and the idea that "pouring it out onto the ground" is the only thing you can do once it's left the body, They wouldn't dare go so far as to prohibit testing the blood, even though that practice is pretty marginal, according to their beliefs.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I don't think that the knee-jerk opposite responxse is necessarily the right one for everybody. Just because the WTS condemns something doesn't mean we have to rush out and do it after we leave.

    We are allowed to make real personal decisions after all.

    That being said I talked to them and we ent throguh a list of medications that aren't allowed and I am taking a few of them so I can't donate. But I was going to do it.

    If they want them I will be donating my organs after I am finished with them.

  • AudeSapere
    Mary wrote: I have to wait two more years before I can give as I had cancer 8 years ago. I was told that they want you to be cancer-free for 10 years before they'll even consider it.

    I was rejected, too, for reasons relating to my cancer history. For me, it was not so much the cancer itself but, rather, the chemotherapy. Go figure.

    Here is shameless 'bttt' of my thread detailing my own experience of attempting to donate for the very first time:

    I think this thread of Nic's may have been one of the catalysts to get me to sign up!

    Thanks, Nic!!



    I don`t like needles..

    So I`ve had to cross Donateing Blood and Heroin Addict off my "Things To Do" list..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • donny

    I have been giving twice a year at my place of employment for the past 9 years. Stanford blood clinic comes by 2 times a year and I am always there with the exception of the one in December 09 and the one this past June. I had to take a year off because I traveled to my companies facility in Costa Rica in November 09 and that country is on a list of places that have possible tropical diseases that might not be detectable in the blood clinics here in Northern California.


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