My Favorite Field Service Restaurants and Coffee Spots

by Cheetos 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Cheetos

    Yup good old Sambo's restaurant, was great cause back in the day we could go there and for ten cents and of course a tip for the waitress we could have a bottomless cup of coffee and set there and BS most of the day, and then leave our tip and a Watchtower and Awake and count it as a placement.

    There was this bowling alley called Hill Top Lanes in my town, that me and a few of us would go to, we would force our selfs to hang with the friends for about an hour or so in field service then we would say that we have a few return visits we have to go to, we would get there and bowel a few games and drink a few beers and then call it a day and of course leave a few old magazines there. And when I was really young me and this dude would go to the Gray Hound Station and pass out a few tracts then play pin ball till about 1:00 PM and count the time. Ah what fond memories.

    Oh one more, I would once in a while get a hair cut at this place called The Razors Edge in the town I lived in, it was real swanky they would give me a cup of coffee and a Play Boy magazine and prep me up till my turn came for the hair cut, and of course I would leave my tract and a tower and count the time; incidentally I took a circuit overseer there he came glady when I told him I would pay for his hair cut, the dude actually enjoyed it and grined the rest of the day.

  • Leolaia


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Clyde is funny. He still likes to do the coffee shops. He purposely goes to the local coffee shop at the time the witnesses usually stop and is seldom disappointed. He can hold his own against those guys with his small talk, and he's good at putting off prying questions. He often wears a suit, even a tie. That blows their mind as it seems like he should be one of them. They just can't figure him out. One time when I was with him and they asked about his suit, I said, "Oh Clyde even wears his suit when he works in the garden."


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    we would get there and bowel a few games

    Sounds painful to me.


  • oompa

    As a kid all we had was one little paradise. Folks seemed to never understand why I needed to go pee so damn much!...oompa

  • momzcrazy

    Belgium Waffle on 7th East in Midvale Utah.


  • Honesty

    Dunkin' Donuts Kingston Pike Knoxville Tennessee

    The Pelican Mo' Bay Jamaica (Couldn't tary long. A brother owned it)

  • Cheetos

    After memorial services and whooptido talks from the circuit overseers we would all go to "Applebee's" on Riverdale Road in Riverdale, Utah from the Roy congregation. My young daughters would say daddy daddy please lets go to Applebee's", they make a tasty sampler plater.

    Then of course McDonald's was a nice place to let the kids burn off some steam in the play land, from setting during a discourse.

    When me and this elder friend of mine would go fishing at Flameing Gorge WY from Ogden Utah, he would put a WatchTower magazine in the back door of his cab-over camper and he would count time, I miss old Rex, RIP.

    Many moons ago there was this cafe on Washingto BLVD in Ogden Utah it was called Freds Burger Chalet, the friends who were doing street witness work would all go into his cafe and buy a cup of coffee, and this dude would get so pissed, he would say hey you people come in and take a bunch of seats and only buy coffee and maybey a heated sweet roll and then leave all those magazines and then I have o throw them all away making more work for myself, and then to top it off you don't even leave tip. That dude put up a sign NO JW's!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Yum Yum Donuts had a full diner menu. It's gone now.
    In the winter, we would all appear there about
    the same time and somehow overstay our time.

  • tinker

    We would role into KFC at about 11am every Sat. I would order a small coffee and biscuit and the counter gal would ask 'would you like cole slaw with that? Always cracked me up, YUM, cole slaw and coffee

    The manager was always grumpy because we took up the whole place and nobody ever got chicken, just coffee and biscuits. And the little kids, my kids, running around screaming and spilling honey on everything. Those were the days.

    My in-laws have a rural territory so no coffee shops. They would break at an older sisters place. It started years ago as a potty break but these days, they don't even go door to door first. Every Wed is a covered dish party. A group of old folks go out to the old sisters place and just eat and socialize. A must better use of time.

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