Dearest Farkel,
I for one was touched by the initial post of yours in this thread. As I commented to one friend via e-mail, it was delightful and it was like our old Farkel was back (you know, the one I fell in love with long ago). Nevermind the naysayers (like I need to tell *you* that).
Ah Teejay,
You know another thing I have noticed about you and those who seem to think just like you is this: You don't use swear words so you feel you have the Very High Moral Ground on certain issues. In reality though you guys hit below the belt, twist words to no end, many jump on one all the time, and you retreat in the most cowardly way from insults that you hurl as soon as you are called on them. Personally I will take a plain-spoken, honest, forthright sort of soul (evenif it means swera words) over your personal brand of Upright Communication anytime.
I see you demanding Proof from Farkel that he is a nice guy. My but the standards of proof with you fluctuate like the Dow does these days. On one hand a word about those you don't like is "all you need" (no proof required) but when someone tries to reconcile with the board for harsh words in the past, by God you need proof of sincerity. Thanks for unwittingly helping me make my point about you. It seems to be another thing you and your friends have in common. I make point about you and you all insist on helping me to prove them right. I guess all I can really say is Thank You.
For the Record for All:
Yes indeed Farkel did some serious insult hurling for a time. We who have known him for some time knew this was not his usual way in times past. Think what you will of this really nice post he has written but we who have been around a long time welcome it as our old friend returning to his Real Mindset. We also take it as a sign he is recovering from the traumatic events he has been slammed with. I should hope anyone would be glad to see any human overcoming such difficulties. Even if this person has used swear words in the past, and likely will again.
To Prisca,
Indeed, Kent posted your picture here. Indeed it was not right for the sake of privacy. I can understand his motivation, don't agree with his action, and, for the sake of all those troubled-by-silence minds out there, here do publicly declare my disagreement with it.