I'm Screwed Up, You're Screwed Up

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    mmmmmm..bic mac

  • unclebruce

    LOL Hooter ((((HUG))))

    Of course I'm wrong about a lot of things! Who do I think I am, the Guru of mumbulla mountain? lol .. if only you and other friends 'd kick my butt now and then I might begin to see the light. .. fair dinkum! Kick me!!

    As for email, well, you know I've never been good at it and aren't even supposed to be typing to this or any other forum (this ain't getting any plans drawn) I've answered any you've sent haven't I ?

    unc who'll go check his email (usually it's empty appart from people trying to enhance my dick and sell me university degrees ;)

  • Tina

    lol,now now Uncbruise,I didnt mean that as it came out(damn the written word) is it the old addy then luv? Lost many addys in a few crashes,and of course you always answer me ya dear galahguy! Ahh what would i do without ya cheehy one "> luv ya like kiwi fruits yanno,hootie

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • unclebruce

    Hey owlie,

    xxxlove ya to deathxxx(if you insist ;)

    [email protected]

  • waiting

    Oh My Gawd.

    We're all havin' a Good Time! This truly is a Kodak Moment (thanks COMF). And we'd better take advantage of it before Tina e-mails ub.

    ROTFLMAO - and there's room for you here, ub. Lord, are you only 44 too? Damned young'uns. I could still give y'all a good roll. *sigh* but a glass of wine sounds just as good (on my third.)

    Enjoyin' the moment - provided by uncle bruce.


    ps: I loved the name of the movie "12 Monkees" - so appropro. My monkees aren't usually active. You're right - this place and the ability to *widen* has helped me a lot. Made me push and get pushed, test parameters. Best wishes truly, sunshine.

  • Tina

    was that nasty innuendo really necessary,cuz dont make out like it was funny ,waiting.Another one who just likes to fuel the fires.....talk about petty bullshit..Tina waiting for the pile thats been dyin to get on her lol

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • waiting

    Howdy Tina,

    What was it tj said to Julie? Just............whatever. Well, anyway, the idea was to "chill" (to bring back the 80's.)

    This is a joking sort of thang. So join in, ok? You were the one who said you were going to converse privately by e-mail to ub - not me.

    I, on the other hand, said we were having a Good Time. And I didn't mean to be mean to you - honestly. Please join in and have a good time? Just chill a moment.......no big deal. And no "nasty innuendo meant to you." Honestly!


  • unclebruce

    excuse me ladies while I disrobe, it's the only gentlemanly thing to do when standing between two wild women hell bent on tearing each other limb from limb.

    now waiting .. you care to explain what you mean about Tina emailing me and that changing my demeaner in some way? (should private emails change p[osting behaviour? .. maybe, but it sounds way too much like the dreaded kingdom hall rumour mill for my liking) Never may we let whores and rumours of whores rule our lives again .. no personal offence meant by reference to painted women of war or the night ladies .. ;)

    (I just know I shouldn't post this .. I just know it .. why isn't my flight mechanism kicking in? .. mm .. i just can't resist standing naked between excited females ..

    i'm one screwed up unc..

  • Farkel

    Uncle Bruce,

    For the record, I was not doing any sort of battle with teejay. I think we've made our peace, I will no longer let myself get irritated with our disagreements. Same with Danny Boy: we've made peace, too.

    Unless you are referring to something I've missed, please re-read what my very LONG time pal Cygnus said with regards to teejay's comment, and my reply to that comment.

    The gist of my post was about conciliation, not confrontation. I'm dismayed that that theme is being lost in all the bullshit that has been posted on this thread that is NOT related to what I was communicating.

    My dad is dead. My life and outlook has forever changed. My own mortality and what I can do with the rest of it is my constant concern, Unc.


  • waiting

    ok, I'm easy tonight - it's the wine and my honey next to me.

    Well, and ub disrobing a world away helps also.

    Tina, my lovely woman, you can e-mail anybody in the freakin' universe you want......and since you've taken potshots at me in the Island Woman/vs Max thread (which I didn't read until it was closed) - I figure'd you had "unfinished business" with me.

    And...........since ub was speaking in a positive way about tj (your lovely interest in trying to get him banned from this here forum) and DannyBear (who you have absolutely nothing good to say about) and ME! (who you think disparage women in general by my very presence) - I must have made a wrong assumption. oops.

    Gosh! That brings back a saying which is making the rounds by a poster here - ASS U ME. Of course, I've not read where that poster actually *explains* that saying.......but from what I've read - it means:

    When a person ASSUMES, they make an ASS out of U and ME.

    So, I assumed that since you've had NOTHING positive to say about the above named posters spoken of in positive words by Uncle Bruce, you MIGHT not have anything positive to say in an e-mail to Uncle Bruce - who was definitely saying positive things about us.

    My faux pas - I apologize to the wonderful Tina, my hero, the woman who includes me in gangbanging her (picture that one, ub).

    I was delIriously joyful to actually kid around with a person - uncle bruce. If I've inadvertantly offended Tina (who must have her heart on both of her sleeves) - I most humbly apologize.

    It was not my intent, babe. Chill.


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