What about your JW past are you thankful for?

by nvrgnbk 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • karter

    The ability to communicate WELL something that's helped me in business when I turn up to do a quote I can put the customer (householder) at ease and get my point across.

    The ability to get along with ANYBODY think how many arseholes in the congregation you put up with.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I can speak intellegently about Bible stories and some theological things but not on theological interpretations that other Christians can talk on because they were taught by a college educated minister and we were not. My sentence needs a comma.

  • OnTheWayOut
    What about your JW past are you thankful for?

    You know their illustration about a pure glass of water with one drop of poison?
    Well, the WTS is like that (except there's more than one drop).

    Many good things come to those that read regularly or engage in clean moral activities.
    It doesn't matter. There's too much poison in this glass of water to really try to say
    "At least I learned to...."

    The part about my JW past that I am thankful for is that IT IS IN MY PAST.
    It gets further behind me a little more each day.

  • Blueblades

    NVR. Seriously, upon reflection on your question, I see nothing about my JW past that I should be thankful for. They kept me and my family captive for some 33 years, that was the prime of our lives. We gave them our youth, our strength, our resources. All that time we never realized the past lying history that The Watchtower kept hidden from us. Once we did realize it and came to know that we were captives of an Illusionary concept, it was then that we broke free and said no thanks. The cost of those 33 years cannot be calculated financially, emotionally, psychologically etc.

    As far as others feeling that they got something to be thankful for, well, good for them.


  • wings

    I think that thankful is a strong word. But it is hard for me personally to wish I had never been involved. Don't get me wrong, I am full of personal regrets, anger, horror....just like most here. It was so much of my life, and since it doesn't work to live your life over, I am left with the project of making peace with it.

    I believe humility will be what I end up being thankful for. I was duped and draged through hell by my own will. I am not a stupid person, nor was I born into it like so many. If I ever do forgive myself, I could have access to a deeper level of humility because of my JW past.

  • justhuman


  • flipper

    Hey NVR, good thread ! I feel that I did gain some confidence in speaking ability in front of others from the talks we gave. Like another poster indicated I have sales and business acumen and feel I am able to communicate with virtually anybody about business or other matters in a understandable way . My folks were pretty decent people, not as fanatical as some JW parents, so they showed love to each other and support in their marriage ! Don't know if it was they were just decent people who would have been that way anyway, without the witnesses , but if it helped them be closer, then I'm glad for that! They taught me social skills and respect for others

  • justhuman


  • Tara

    The only thing about my JW past that I am thankful for is that I got the hell out!

  • minimus

    FINALLY FREE, YOU ARE THE FUNNIEST GUY HERE! The "shit" comment is the best!!!

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