What about your JW past are you thankful for?

by nvrgnbk 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Never:

    I feel that Okie46 gave a fair and balanced answer, one that largely reflects my viewpoint. Naturally, given the many responses contrary to the aforementioned, not all former JWs are the least happy with their religious background. We're all at various stages of recovery. We were not all treated the same in the theocratic organization; sometimes we did get what we deserved in the way of discipline and on other occasions we were treated unfairly. That can occur in any group setting.

    I only regret that ... no, I'm just going to say that I was "there" for 40 years and a lot of love and friendship happened along the way ...

    Thanks for the topic, good friend.


  • GentlyFeral

    It just so happens that the person who introduced me to Renaissance Faires was a semi-active Witness. Was great prep for the whole Neo-Pagan scene I got into about 20 years later :)

    The person who told my son, "Your art shows talent and confidence. If you have a couple hours, I can show you everything I learned in 4 years of art school" was a Witness.

    The people who encouraged us to homeschool - which, even now that we've all left, is still one of the best things we've ever done - were Witnesses.

    The only Witnesses I miss, the ones I am still grateful for, were the ones who shoulda been hippies - the RenFair, book-a-day, responsibly countercultural types.


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