This WT article makes me mad.... this is evil

by dawg 61 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dawg

    It's bad enought that young people in the WT have to sell magizines, risk shunning when they find out the truth about the GB... but this article really makes me laugh and angry at the same time

    The part that made me the maddest was when the father said he "conquered" the habit, lying bastard! Tell me what you think?

  • carla

    What's with the ethnic only names? I'm sure it's just me finding fault but really, no American sounding fellows who regularly 'hurt' themselves?

  • justhuman

    mmm, nice habit

  • brinjen

    I just threw up a little in my mouth.

  • dawg

    Yea carla, it's like only the spanish speaking ones do this....

  • Satanus

    Same old, same old.


  • dawg

    Oh, so just human, your reply was "nice habit" are you actually trying to insinuate that this is something that evey young boy, I can't speak for ladies, does? Are you saying that young people should feel guilty whenever they do this? I will await your reply all the time please remember the old saying... there's two kinds of people.... those that do it and those that lie about it.

    Everyone does it, therefore it isn't a habit we all just pick up alone the way, it is a natural body function and in no freaking way should anyone feel like they've displeased anyone when it happens... it's like appoligizing for talking, it may not be necessary to survive but we must still do it.

    Please tell me I soimply misread what you meant... I thought you were "justhuman" after all....

  • sweetstuff

    As Wacko Jacko would sing...Just Beat It. So, the god that gave you sexual desires doesn't want you to act on them, another sign that god is one sick twisted...the WTS doesn't just want to control your thoughts, they want to control everything!! Because the time you spend playing with 'doctor feel good' could be spent selling their litter-ture door to door. No wonder so many JW's suffer depression? Wouldn't you???

  • nvrgnbk

    I was certain I'd die at Armageddon for not being able to break the habit.

    I even postponed my baptism because of it.


  • Elsewhere

    Elsewhere's article, revised and updated:

    How Can I Conquer This Habit?

    I began eating when I was eight years old. Later I learned God’s view of the matter. I felt terrible every time I gave in. ‘How could God love someone like me?’ I asked myself. I felt sure that I would not make it into God’s new world.”—Luiz.

    PERHAPS you, like Luiz, have been enslaved to the habit of eating. You know that Jehovah would be pleased with you if you resisted the urge and exercised self-control, a fruit (damnit, don't mention fruit!) of God’s holy spirit. (Galatians 5:22, 23; 2 Peter 1:5, 6) But at times you give in. After each relapse, you conclude that you are a lost cause, that you are incapable of living up to God’s righteous standards.

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