This WT article makes me mad.... this is evil

by dawg 61 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Clam
    I even postponed my baptism because of it.

    Nvr by how long? Two minutes, LOL.

    Do tell.

  • Mary
    How Can I Conquer This Habit?

    Easy: Start fornicating. Geeeeesh!

    nvrgnbk said: I was certain I'd die at Armageddon for not being able to break the habit. I even postponed my baptism because of it.

    I'm surprised the baptismal pool didn't boil over when you got in. LOL!

  • Mary

    LMAO @ Elsewhere!! Hey, let's see what else we can insert to show the absurity of this article:

    How Can I Conquer This Habit?

    I began thinking when I was eight years old. Later I learned God’s view of the matter. I felt terrible every time I gave in. ‘How could God love someone like me?’ I asked myself. I felt sure that I would not make it into God’s new world.”—Luiz.

    PERHAPS you, like Luiz, have been enslaved to the habit of thinking. You know that Jehovah would be pleased with you if you resisted the urge and exercised self-control, a fruit of God’s holy spirit. (Galatians 5:22, 23; 2 Peter 1:5, 6) But at times you give in. After each relapse, you conclude that you are a lost cause, that you are incapable of living up to God’s righteous standards.

  • mkr32208

    I feel bad about it. Every time I think about it I just beat myself...

    Actually what makes me sick is thinking that those smug sons of @#$es are beating off to the thought of all these guilt ridden young boys. The GB is no different than the monks of the catholic church. They get off on pain and suffering.

  • dinah

    The Society seems to be pre-occupied with sex. How many times a week were we warned about fornicating, masturbating and such? They make sex into some evil demon.

    This article made me laugh, and made we angry as well.

  • Clam

    I began galloping the maggot just before and then immediately after meetings. Later I learned Jehovah's view of the matter: "Thou Shalt not have a wank" it clearly said. I felt terrible every time I gave in. ‘How could Jehovah love someone like me?’ I asked myself. After all, my right arm was almost twice the size of my left - Luiz.

  • aquagirl

    the ethnic sounding names are most objectionable...who cares if ya do or ya dont?really,is nothing beyond the watchtowers coffee talk?sheesh,next thing ya know they will. be telling you to buy 4 door cars and not wear provocative clothing or smoke dope,oh,wait......

  • brinjen
    I even postponed my baptism because of it.

    Me too, I was a little, err, busy in the change room. Lost track of the time. (j/k )

  • marmot

    Although I don't believe in the Bible, I find the Watchtower's interpretation of scripture to justify their stance on masturbation to be tenuous and offensive.

    I simply cannot believe that an activity so universal was never directly mentioned A SINGLE TIME in the entire Bible, much less condemned as unclean. The mosaic law only mentions men being "unclean" until the evening if they had a seminal emission, which could also be the result of regular sexual intercourse or a wet dream. I'm imagining that the camp of the Israelites must have pretty devoid of teenage boys during daylight hours. However, this fails to address the issue of female masturbation, or pre-puberty masturbation where there is no ejaculate.

    As for them tying it to the apostle Paul's words on "unclean habits", why would he have suddenly stepped up to the plate to condemn something that had never been directly condemned in the Bible? It doesn't help that the wording is so vague he could have been talking about picking your nose.

    The Watchtower's ban on masturbation is not so much a question of pleasing God but rather leftovers of Victorian-era attitudes towards sexuality, coupled with a desire for complete control over their adherents. It is shameful that this policy leads to so much guilt and depression among young people who are misled into believing that they are displeasing God by simply doing something that comes naturally as part of sexual development.

  • Metamorphosis
    As already noted, those who have fallen into the habit of masturbation are often plagued with guilt.

    The only ones 'plagued with guilt' are the ones told over and over by the JW's that they should be 'plagued with guilt' over it. i don't think normal people brought up outside of the religion really get guilt-ridden much.

    Then at the end of the article it talks about how you should go discuss w/ an elder. Sometimes i think they just get off on that type of stuff.


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