
by Aleman 79 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nvrgnbk
    I have been to many of these selfish and weeping contraversy sites about the JWs and the BG and the WT. But all they want is to sell you something or be sorry for their selfish and worldly sins.

    Now you're getting personal and speaking of things out of your realm of understanding.

    That's what apologists tend to do when they run out meaningful things to things to say.

    I was an elder.

    A very involved elder.

    I left, not due to any sin on my part or because I was disciplined, but because it was wrong.

    Many others here have gone through the same.

    And as for those that were disfellowshipped or otherwise treated in a way that caused them offense, they are no less worthy of your respect.

    If you are Christian, you know that Jesus is the only means of salvation according to your belief system and no one can earn salvation or God's approval.

    Your comments are welcome, but don't expect to make sweeping allegations about individuals that you don't know and not be called out for it.

    The simple fact of the matter is that if you consider yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you are bound by the decree of the Governing Body that you worship that you not visit ex-JW websites.

  • Aleman

    Trully a good read, however, the diffrence between what you read and what I read is that you read words of man and I read words from God. I believe in what I read without a doubt. How much do you trust in what you read? Where is the proof of who you read about? or the proof in what what you read?


  • Satanus

    By all means, keep reading your little god decoder ring if it makes you feel good. You would crap your pants if the holy spirit bit your butt. The thing about a truly spiritual person, he/she doesn't need to go running to no book for answers, all the time. Books are fine. But, it is said that when a person becomes enlightened, they get rid of their books. S

  • fifi40


    Possibly you are describing yourself there........you support an organisation that predominantly uses books and magazines written by men......why cant you or other followers just use and understand the bible?

  • poppers
    I believe in what I read without a doubt. How much do you trust in what you read? Where is the proof of who you read about? or the proof in what what you read?

    The same can be asked of you. Where is the proof of what you read about? What is the basis of the trust in what you read? Just because you read "without doubt" is meaningless. All of that is just a bunch of ideas that people accept or reject. So where then does "truth" exist? Are you willing to look beyond the limitations of beliefs and ideas, beyond the confines of the world as you interpret it, or as it is interpreted for you?

  • Aleman

    Well, the true intention of this writer is to collect info and make sence of what he has, but many critics already denounce his work to be factual and be more speculation due to the fact that alot of his years are off. Yesterday I not only read his junk, but I also read the critics that talk about him.

    The Bible is trusted since it is the oldest book and it has never been ruined. Other books that existed no longer are around because they were not protected by Jehovah God. The Bible was protected and it is still very much alive and in use. Courts use it to have people swear by it. Why not see what this book contains that have human courts trust to swear by it.


  • BIG D
    BIG D

    ALEMAN.............you will not sway any to your personal view of the wtbs,with your attitude of single mindness, who better to talk to than those who have been where you are going?

    you are intentionally confrontational, and where is the greatest law we are commanded to obey from jesus, that we love one another, you views of death and columbine thoughts come from a judgemental viewpoint, one the wtbs has taught you already, no one is right but them?

    they are men intrepeting gods will , as man has done for a long time, look at how many times their prophesy has changed?

    then according to there own teaching they were once false prophets!!!!!!!

    absolute power corrupts absolutely

    big d

  • Aleman

    I don't believe I am swaying anyone to think anyway. I am proving to myself that this religion is in fact the true religion by answering or veiwing the ideas of those who left. I honestly thought that all of you have valid points of veiw to oppose this belief system, but all I see is spiritualy dead and selfish comments of how they hate the org.

    I would compare the org. like the US military where they send soldiers out to fight with muskets and knifes, as they learn more about war along the way. War changed as years passed and so did the soldier. Soon the Tommy gun and A1 grand were introduced but the shot gun was still around, just changed to better kill the enemy. Then came the M-16, AK-47, MP5A2, and all the other guns out there that kill quick and efectively. Now, there are different types of soldiers, you have the recon sniper, the demolition spec., the tanker, the pilot, the anti-terrorist, the guard, etc... This was due to the fact that they evolved and got the best of what is efective to do the job right the first time.

    The Org. changed to become a better spiritual fighting force against Satan and his minions of demons and those who follow them. Mabey you don't believe this, but The Jehovah's Witness are the only religion that fight evil in its purest spiritual form around the globe.


  • poppers

    "Mabey you don't believe this, but The Jehovah's Witness are the only religion that fight evil in its purest spiritual form around the globe. -Aleman" You're right - I don't believe this. It seems you've been indoctrinated well, or maybe the better term would be "brainwashed". By the way, does the BOE know you are here?

  • Satanus

    In the wt's pure war against satan and demons, does the wt have any people trained in the control or expelling of demons or satan from people, places or animals? Any stories of getting the job done right, the first time, w their new and improved anti demon weapons?


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