Is Sweetstuff God?

by Mincan 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    Or a holy kick. Works for me.

    You can't possibly understand how appealing that is.


  • sweetstuff

    You can't possibly understand how appealing that is.


    Here, I have a self help phone line for you to call NVR..1-888-SIC-PUPS-R-US

  • nvrgnbk
    Here, I have a self help phone line for you to call NVR..1-888-SIC-PUPS-R-US


    How ironic.

    I run that hotline.

    Funny thing is, most of our calls come from Canadian women.

  • Mary
    I run that hotline.

    Why you little liar! You told me your hotline was: 1-900-IMA-STUD


  • sweetstuff
    Funny thing is, most of our calls come from Canadian women.

    Those must be some great meds my friend, cause you gone loco! Canadian women are much too busy being "doers" to be "talkers". We save that for our male yankie counterparts. Ya' ll talk the talk, but you promise a big mac and show up with a french fry. Same old, same old.

  • nvrgnbk
    I run that hotline.

    Why you little liar! You told me your hotline was: 1-900-IMA-STUD



    Some guys can multi-task.

    You can reach me at either number, Mary.

  • nvrgnbk
    Canadian women are much too busy being "doers" to be "talkers". We save that for our male yankie counterparts.

    Let me get this straight.

    You( Canadian women) "save" your "doing" for your "male yankee counterparts"?

    That's very much in agreement with the calls the hotline gets.

    Your'e spot on, once again, sweetstuff.

    Very honest of you to put it out there like that.

  • sweetstuff

    Let me get this straight.

    You( Canadian women) "save" your "doing" for your "male yankee counterparts"?

    That's very much in agreement with the calls the hotline gets.

    Your'e spot on, once again, sweetstuff.

    Very honest of you to put it out there like that.

    LOL, nice wordplay, very creative, you missed one point however that Canadian women live by.... never send a boy to do a man's job .

  • nvrgnbk
    LOL, nice wordplay, very creative, you missed one point however that Canadian women live by.... never send a boy to do a man's job .

    I know what you mean.

    Once again, your story is in full agreement with I've been told by my callers.

    I hear complaints about Canadian boys on my hotline all day long.

    No disrespect to our male JWD posters, of course.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    never send a boy to do a man's job .

    Can I get an AMEN, sister!


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