Do gentlemen prefer blondes?

by changeling 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore




    She is identical, except for the hair.

    Which one do you like best?

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • Mincan

    Always prefer brunettes. And if I imagine a blonde with brown hair, she always looks better to me.

  • Magick

    Q. What's black and blue and brown and laying in a ditch?
    A. A brunette who's told too many blonde jokes alt

    Q. What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes?
    A. Invisible

    Q. What's a brunette's mating call?
    A. "Has the blonde left yet?"

    Q. What do brunettes miss most about a great party?
    A. The invitation

    Q. What do you call a good looking man with a brunette?
    A. A hostage

    Q. Why are brunettes so proud of their hair?
    A. It matches their mustache

    Q. Why are most brunettes flatchested?
    A. It makes it easier to read their T-shirt

    Q. Why do brunettes like their dark hair color?
    A. It doesn't show the dirt

    Q. Why does a brunette have curtains on her PC?
    A. To open windows

    Q. Why does a brunette throw water on her keyboard?
    A. To surf the internet

    Q. Why can't brunettes `tease' their hair?
    A. Because it's not funny

    Q. How can a brunette get lost in a crowd of three?
    A. It's easy... if one-third of the crowd is blonde

    Q. Why are so many blonde jokes one-liners?
    A. So brunettes can remember them.

    Q. How does a brunette turn on the light after sex?
    A. She opens the car door.

  • Magick

    yes, that was evil and spiteful to post all those brunette jokes.

    but, all these exjw men adding to yet another reason why i'm not good enough

    made me sad.

    i'm tired of all the images of what women are supposed to be...

    hot, latin, black booty shakin porn stuff.

    most of the blondes in porn are die jobs and fake boobs...a real turn off

    of course brunettes are beautiful as are red heads...but, so are blondes.

    who cares if we are out of fashion today? if a beautiful, natural blue eyed blonde looked your'd be flattered.

    blondes have a bad rap. we are passionate, intelligent and definate marriage material.

    i wonder how many men who posted on this thread are losing their hair? at least blondes have hair to dye if they choose to.


  • frankiespeakin

    Hair color is so shallow, I even like bald women, if thier personality is good.

  • flipper

    I think it depends on the gentleman. My wife has blonde hair , kind of brownish blonde, and I love it ! and the cliches are wrong about blondes! They are smart as hell ! She beats me up in Scrabble constantly ! My first wife , married to her for 19 years, she was brunette , could not spell to save her hide ! So to each his own. But I've had better times with blondes ! In my adult life that is ! Thought I'd clarify that ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sweetstuff
    I think it depends on the gentleman. My wife has blonde hair , kind of brownish blonde, and I love it ! and the cliches are wrong about blondes! They are smart as hell ! She beats me up in Scrabble constantly ! My first wife , married to her for 19 years, she was brunette , could not spell to save her hide ! So to each his own. But I've had better times with blondes ! In my adult life that is ! Thought I'd clarify that ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Well, that's one vote for blonde.

  • nvrgnbk

    Is that better?

  • delilah
    I didn't use to be very attracted to redheads, until I met this one girl that. . .well, suffice it to say I've changed my mind. ;-)

    that's when JD found that redheads are fiesty, AND spicey hawt.... we add flavor to a hum-drum life.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Do gentlemen prefer blondes?

    I think gentlemen just prefer women - or most of them do.


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