dog the bounty hunter

by BR25 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    The N word is another cuss word IMO,

    like the C word, it is not accepted.

    I would not want to be caught saying either word publicly.

    or having a private conversation using either word, exposed


  • Sunspot
    She started screaming at me and calling me some very offensive names including one I needed someone else to explain to me.

    When I lived in the city, and I was walking to the corner store with a black friend, somebody walked by and said "stupid cracker" to me as he walked past us. I had no clue what that meant, and my friend said they would explain it later when we got back to my house. When I heard what it meant---I burst out laughing. It seemed SO silly to even SAY that to someone like that!

    I would also like to say that I LOVE the Bounty Hunter show and watch it all the time. I DO hope this can all be resoved and we can get back to watching a unique TV show!

    This "Tucker" should have known better than to sell the tape to TMZ or whoever it was....and Doug should have known better than to spout what he did to the kid. Tucker and his loyalties should be examined.....because this girlfriend will most likely be a thing of the past in a few months....but his FAMILY is going to BE his family forever.

  • BrentR
    Oh and about black guys using the N-word - that's totally different

    Please explain? The "F" word also has different meanings but it is still regarded as an obscenity. Why is "the black community" allowed to use it and the rest of us can't? The dictionary only has one definition of the N word.

    Do we want our kids growing up hearing it from anyone of any color?

  • mkr32208

    Don't like Dog, don't like Imus. That said I just watched a TV psychic get pranked on and he said the N word at least 100 times inside of 10 minutes. Why no outrage? Why does no one care about that?

    This PC you can't say this you can't say that is what GIVES this word power. Blacks are giving racist the biggest weapon on the block...

  • ronin1

    I agree and if you have had a chance to keep up with the movement in the African American communities you will know that many public and entertainment African Americians are calling for the rappers, etc. to stop using the N word.

    The Tom Joyner Morning Show out of Florida has been one of the African American radio stations to spearhead this movement.


  • ronin1

    That person seems like she's looking to call anyone a racist because she wants her own way.


  • mrsjones5

    Most black folks do not use the word. I was just at my family reunion of over a hundred people and didn't hear the word once. The only time I hear it is when my husband uses it with his friends and no I never say that word to my children nor do I let them use that word. That word is mainly used by young urban blacks.


  • BrentR

    Are you defending or condeming the use of the word irregardless of skin color?

    Is it used by educated or un-educated people irregardless of skin color?

  • mrsjones5

    I don't use the word.

  • BrentR

    How do you feel about your husband using it around your kids? Would you let your kids hang out with other kids that use the N word?

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