How many times have you said goodbye to the forum?

by wanderlustguy 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Never. I have dedicated my life to the Forum and will always be faithful unto it. As the Apostle Peter said "Where would I go, Forum? Only with you are the postings of miscellaneous stuff about miscellaneous stuff"

    When some posters leave we must hope they will come to their senses and return as the prodigal poster what's his name did.


    ..I`ve never said goodbye..I don`t intend to...OUTLAW

  • sweetface2233

    1 --- right now...goodbye my friends. I will miss you, but you know how to contact me.

  • *summer*


    please, leave the door open behind you...for me.

    thank you*

  • BrentR

    The longer I am here the more confused I get. I made the mistake of posting a serious topic on finding godparents/guardians for our kids. Since most of us here have JW family we probably do not want them to be raising our kids as JW's if both parents die. My hopes were to get some great input and insight. Instead it died within minutes and I got two replies.

    Maybe I should have titled the thread "Bath or shower? which somehow got 272 views and is on it's second page allready. WTF?

    It's no freakin' wonder so many are leaving.

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't take it personally, BrentR.

    There many reasons why some threads take off and others die, that have very little to do with the OP or the topic.

    It can be time of day, wording of topic, competition with other topics, etc.

    It has happened to all that have posted thread topics.

    It's been commented on many times.

    Don't be discouraged.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ditto what Nvr said Brent.

    This board would not be the same without a wise metal worker on board.

    Keep on postin'

    Open Mind

  • avishai

    I've taken breaks of months, no goodbyes.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I've never left but I do take long breaks because I'm busy with other aspects of life. The people here are family, brothers and sisters.

  • Clam

    BrentR - What Nvr said. Nil desperandum.

    It is irritating when you come up with a good topic idea and it dies an early death, especially when Knickers or Thongs? threads thrive. (N.B. easier to type than say).

    It doesn't put me off the board as there's always plenty of variety here. I'd never say goodbye, I'd just slip out the door and never come back, a bit like I did with the Witnesses.


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