Can you say SATAN?!?!

by Uzzah 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweetface2233

    I think if Satan were real, he would show his presence. After all, he wants us to serve him, right?

  • oompa

    What a loadalamaturd! My faith in the all powerful most high would be greatly intensified if I could just see somthing flying across the room, a ghost, a real excorsism or something similar.....have it on state at a DC!!!!..........oompa

  • Priest73

    Why would any one villify a jolly fat man who brings gifts to children???

    Opps. You said SATAN.

  • Aleman

    Truth be said! those who have little to no faith will always want to 'see to believe' to actually believe. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!

    I think that if you can trust that air exists by feeling it on your cheek and hair and not see it, Why would it be so difficult to actually believe in a creator named Jehovah and his arch-nemesis Satan!

    By not believeing is to have Satan win already! It also means you will soon see the glory of the Almighty and then you will be the many who will yell 'WOE!' when he cleans this world of the unfaithful and unbelievers.

    Why do I keep thowing pearls to a bunch of dirty, worldly, selfish pigs like you!


  • Dagney
    Why do I keep thowing pearls to a bunch of dirty, worldly, selfish pigs like you!

    Are you a Jehovah's Witness?


  • stillajwexelder

    Yin - yan ; good - evil ; positive - negative ; God - Satan

  • sweetface2233
    Why do I keep thowing pearls to a bunch of dirty, worldly, selfish pigs like you!

    I have yet to see a pearl come from any of your posts.

  • Aleman

    Of course you haven't seen pearls, sweetface2233, YOU ARE A SWINE!!!

  • marmot

    Yo Aleman, I've got NO problem whatsoever with the almighty popping up to lay the smack down. Odds are, though, that both you and I are going to die of old age (barring any freak accidents or illnesses).

    If living your life in constant expectation is what makes you happy, by all means go for it. Don't expect to find a listening ear around here though. I hope you don't think that visiting these websites counts as field service, 'cause you'd probably be viewed with a suspicious eye if ever it was revealed that you were engaging in discussion on an apostate website.

  • mrsjones5

    Why do I keep thowing pearls to a bunch of dirty, worldly, selfish pigs like you!


    Can you say WHINNER!?!

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