Would they kill us if they could?

by reneeisorym 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Yes they would.

    Actually this brings up another question. Why are Jdubs so filled with a blood lust? They claim they do a life saving work but they go above and beyond, to mark and disfelloship former members, who wish to be left alone. They gleefully anticipate the coming destruction of billions at armeggedon.

    Speaking of armeggedon, they look forward to the great cleanup work that they will share in (namely removing the dead carcases of the aforementioned billions of people.) No sane person looks forward to such a task, and any who did, you think would take a cue from the devestation of 9/11.

  • worldtraveller

    Just a point of order to all here. Up 'till the end of August I never even heard the word apostate. I have asked everyone I know and not one actually knew the word either. Just thought that was interesting since it seems tons of people are indifferent to all of this.

    When I was presented a bible with the phrase"new world translation" I quickly asked why it needed to be translated again. I more recently found out that it is to suit a bunch of narrow minded hateful people.

    The problem is that killing is against Gods will-therefore you would give up your chance to go to happy happy land.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I think I read something in one of the Very Old Publications, possibly Rutherford saying they couldn't kill apostates because it was against the Law. I remember asking myself the same question, if they could, would they?

  • free2beme

    Well, face it. They are praying we all die soon along with billions of others. They are to weak to do anything of value themselves though, so do not worry.

  • RollerDave

    I am not sure a blanket generalization is possible.

    I have known witnesses who would absolutely have killed their own children if they believed it was the Command of God,

    It's called the "Blood Issue"

    I have known others who wouldn't have been able to do the deed even if angels had descended from heaven with a gold plated AK-47 on a silver platter and a permission slip from Jehovah.

    They're called "weenies"

    I think the leadership wishes they could, there's little doubt of that.

    If they DID send hit squads, it could save lives if they came to my door first because it would be the LAST door they called on.

    It's called "a foregone conclusion"


  • jaguarbass

    If the law allowed, do you think JWs would actually kill apostates? Sure, why not. They are like pharasies, They killed the story book Jesus. Why wouldnt they kill us? If the law allowed them to kill us, that would mean we were living in a theocracy. It would be a different playing field. In which case we might have to start attending the talk on Sundays.

  • avishai
    When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know, the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives.
    Robert A. Heinlein
    It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    I am convinced that the majority, the vast majority, of JWs would lie as a pledge of loyalty to the Borg.

    Anyone that will lie and justify it as pleasing to God is capable of ANYTHING.

    Nuff' said,


  • JWdaughter

    Some of them would. The same ones that move out of their homes without a good bye, the same ones who don't notify their family members when Grampa is dying or dead. The ones who think that you deserve to lose custody of your child just because you don't believe that the GB is Jehovah's appointed authority. The ones who divorce their spouse for no reason other than the change in the others faith. The ones who would go to the elders and narc on their spouse who instigates or desires oral sex. The ones who read QFR to make sure they are following the rules exactly right.

    Based on the article referenced, that have seen in context, I fully believe that the WTS would have a theocratic style/taliban like rule if they had the power to do so.

    I used to be one of that kind of JW. I fully believe that had I not opened my eyes that I would be that ugly of a person. I would have been hardcore. OTOH, I don't think many JWs will put up with that. Many of us have family who ignore the WT 'rules' when they know they are wrong. There are those who are at least mature enough to be able to accept the teachings that have some 'reason' to them and are able to reject the autocratic rules imposed by the org.

    I don't know what kind of culture is up there at Bethel these days. Ray Franz isn't there, but there may be others like him still.


  • zack

    Yes. The directive would come down from Brooklyn: Hang 'em high!

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