Would You Condone Giving Birth Control To 11 Year Olds???

by minimus 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    to nvr

    i heard of a group that talks about the end being around the corner, i believe they are called Jehovah's witnesses.

    Google them and you will find a wealth of info.

    Don't forget to put a good word in for me when you contact them.

    Thanks! I'm all over that!

    All for it here. We have an overpopulation problem that foreshadows every other problem you can possibly think of.

    I'm "priveleged" enough to know a girl of 13 that was sexually active since 11 (for a variety of reasons I can't be 100% sure about). She had an abortion this summer. If she had been taking birth control (which I believe she now is) then this could have been avoided. I'm pro-choice too but I mean use the freakin birth control and then you don't have to get an abortion.

  • minimus

    If a parent wants to provide birth control for their pre-teens, I guess that's up to them. I don't think it's a good idea.

    Having a school district keep a parent in the dark once a parent agrees to allow their child to have sex with contraception pills is just not right.

    I know of a mom who brought her daughter to the doctor's to get her bc pills. She was 14 and had a steady boyfriend who lasted about 1 more month. She's now 21, has slept with a number of young men and her mother has voiced concern that she doesn't become "promiscous".....Sorry, but I think, too late!

  • BrentR

    All that is left is to open a Lover's Package and Victoria's Secret at our elementary and junior high schools.

    And people still have to ask my wife and I why our daughter is in private school.

  • lawrence


    After cigarettes, liquor, and pot there's little money left for an 11 - 13 year old for seductive clothing. The theft rate would drive any business out.

  • LyinEyes

    I agree with Flying high,,,,,,,, it could be dangerous for the girls on birth control pills, there are many warnings of side effects. I know 3 young ladies on the pill and the depo shot, they are all 17 and over 18, you should see what it does to their emotions. I think at 11 to 13 , is such a hard age for young girls , changing for a little girl to a woman. My daughter is 14 and I am very protective of her. Pretty much most of the time I know where she is.......I try very hard to know what she is doing, where she is going etc. I still do not let her run the roads with who ever. However,,,,,,, I found ways to do what I wanted to but I was 17 or so. I hope that by asking all the questions of where she is going, etc, keeping interested in her life, her friends, being involved, talking openinly about sex, will help her not get into it for sometime to come.......I just hope.

    I can not imagine the school giving these young girls the pill, when emotions and hormones are not yet really regulated. What if the child/girl has some kind emotional problems? could the pill , the drastic unnatural state of hormones cause her to become seriously depressed? I know it can work the other way too and help with some female issues and be a better benefit than before but I think Mom or Dad should be watching for side effects if they allow a child to be on the Pill. How can they know to watch for signs if the school doesnt let them know what the child is taking?

    And to think that some girls got suspended from school for having a Midol in her purse? I just think that was overboard and I really think that giving out birth control to 11 to 13 year old is overboard as well.

    I think I would go with 15 and older for the pill, but also condoms should be giving at the same time with the package of pills, just so they know that the two go together and not just the use of The pill , to be safe they go together.

  • sammielee24

    What's your opinion???

    I think there is more to it than the quick summary you have given.

    A lot of issues here that should be given some thought instead of immediate reaction.

    My understanding is that for the majority of kids using the school clinic - this is the only form of health care that they are able to use. In addition, the parents sign the consent for them to use the clinic before the kids do use it and the reason that the issue even came up was because about 6 kids between the ages of 11-14 had informed the school nurse that they were sexually active - what should they do and could they get birth control. The nurse in having to follow the law regarding privacy rights of all individuals was no doubt torn between what to do.

    A few questions that I ask myself are - if these kids are already sexually active and unable for whatever reason to talk to a family member about the issue, and we take away the safety net and confidentiality of the kids, then what? They go to no one and quite possibly end up with an STD or pregnant. Which is better? If the parents don't know then there's a reason - and at that age, question why they are sexually active and why the parent's aren't aware of it as well. Address the cause because if you don't and you have a gut reaction - the effect could be worse.

    At no time have I heard the word consenual mentioned in the news report about this. Are we certain that all of these kids are sexually active with other 12 year olds? Shouldn't we be concerned if you ask a 12 year old and she says that her 18 year old boyfriend or 40 year old uncle is her sex partner? We need to ask and understand the relationships taking place between kids and their sex partners - who are they, how did they meet them etc.

    Boys have had much more and far easier access to birth control - condom machines, family and society in general are far more lenient when it comes to boys having access to birth control and in some cases, as long as birth control is used, people are willing to turn a blind eye to the 15 year old engaging in sex. Not so apparently with girls.

    I absolutely believe that young girls and boys should not be having sex - but I absolutely also believe that the issue is not so simple because in many cases there are underlying issues playing a major factor in the childs life. sammieswife.

  • sammielee24
    think this ENCOURAGES 11 year olds to have sexual intercourse

    OH PULEEZE.......I was put on birth control pills when I was very young in order to control some severe medical symptoms relating to hormonal imbalances. I can recall this nonsense being tossed about then - let me tell you - I did not become sexually active because I was given the 'pill'. I did have strict parents who knew where I was and what I was doing, curfews and responsibilities and never ever did it enter my mind that I should run out and have sex because I wouldn't get pregnant. This is on the same level as having your male doctor tell you, as you are puking your guts out, that the pain from severe menstrual cramping is all in your head. Puleeze.....sammieswife.

  • free2beme

    I would rather then do that, then end up pregnant from being scared to get it normally. We have to realize, this is not a free ticket to sex. This is acknowledgement of a known issue of underage pregnancy and trying to do something about it.

  • sammielee24
    The statistic I read is 13% or 1 in 10 middle schoolers report being sexually active in Maine

    Maybe we should ascertain what 'sex' means to our youth as well. Many youngsters don't believe that oral sex is real sex - so while we can take stats like 13% that say they are sexually active, much of that activity may well be oral sex. It doesn't diminish the fact that it is still a sexual act and can lead to STD's but most people are assuming that sex means intercourse yet many kids don't have intercourse but engage in oral sex. Times have changed - a kid is still a kid but if we are all that concerned with kids being sexually active, perhaps we would be wise to check out MTV, video games, movies and a lot of shows with subtle sexual content that airs on prime time. The line between parent and child appears oft crossed when you look at the lifestyle of people today, so confusion is a natural occurrence in any family. sammieswife.

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