Would You Condone Giving Birth Control To 11 Year Olds???

by minimus 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    It's a bit of a Catch-22, isn't it?

    The ones that are going to be sexually active, will do it with or without birth control. Better to do provide the 11-year olds an option to do it more safely than to have a baby at 12 years of age.

    The heart of the matter is finding out why an 11 year old would want to be sexually active in the first place... and dealing with that.

  • minimus

    Rome is crumbling, alright! I'm no ultraconservative with extreme "family values" but where do you draw the line? I see reports of kids 7 to 10 engaging in sex too. Perhaps we should provide dental dams too.

  • nvrgnbk

    The heart of the matter is finding out why an 11 year old would want to be sexually active in the first place... and dealing with that.

    Sorry, Scully.

    That simply wont do.

    There is no room for logic in this debate.

  • nvrgnbk
    Perhaps we should provide dental dams too.

    In Canada, dental exams are free!


  • lawrence

    I was in Jamaica in July and saw teens copulating in a park, 2 p.m. and didn't care, and then in Atlanta on the subway a "group" of kids simulating sex on the Marta, then in Toronto with a few half dressed tweens doing the Dutty Wine while waiting to go to school or to Luis' house. Our generation was made keepers of the kingdom, and we screwed up.

  • bisous

    the sky is falling ...... the sky is falling .....

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Ever the voice of reason, Scully. Agreed. Fixing the symptom is the easy way out though...root cause analysis takes initiative and time.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Something to consider: hormones can be dangerous and if they cause problems that send a child to the doctor, the parent isn't going to know their daughter is taking BCP's. Also, how many 11 year olds that would be troubled enough to engage in intercourse would always remember to take each nightly pill?

    I'm not saying yea or nay on this, just saying that BCP's can do powerful things to ladies, young or old, like cause personality changes, temper rages, blood clots, etc. And they can also be rendered useless by certain anti-biotics. What eleven year old would share with the doctor, in front of a parent, that they were taking BCP's when brought in for strep throat and prescribed anti-biotics?

  • sspo

    to nvr

    i heard of a group that talks about the end being around the corner, i believe they are called Jehovah's witnesses.

    Google them and you will find a wealth of info.

    Don't forget to put a good word in for me when you contact them.

  • Mincan

    All for it here. We have an overpopulation problem that foreshadows every other problem you can possibly think of.

    I'm "priveleged" enough to know a girl of 13 that was sexually active since 11 (for a variety of reasons I can't be 100% sure about). She had an abortion this summer. If she had been taking birth control (which I believe she now is) then this could have been avoided. I'm pro-choice too but I mean use the freakin birth control and then you don't have to get an abortion.

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