Do YOU Hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tara

    I feel very sorry for the honest hearted JWs (most, IMHO) that sincerely believe it is the "truth" and are trying their hardest to live up to it. I don't hate them at all. I do hate their cruel, unloving, definitely not Christian policies/beliefs, ie. shunning, moral superiority, intolerance, etc.

  • V1710

    doubting brother...ouch.

    please don't hate yourself. we were misled (very cleverly I must say), our trust was broken. it's like an baby elephant that is chained to a stake. As the elephant grows it certainly could break free from the small chain that holds it but it doesn't because of it's early training. If one was born into jw's we need to be extra kind to ourselves and if we were adults we have to remind ourselves that we were lonely, searching and misled.

    there's a saying about walking down the street and falling into a hole because you didn't see's not your fault. The second time you walk down the street, see the hole and fall into it shame on you. The third time you walk down the street, see the hole and walk around it, give yourself a pat on the back.

    Give yourself credit for getting out of the mind trap.


  • ronin1

    No, of course not. I was once an active JW.

    What I hate is the lies and deceitful teachings and how families have been torn apart because of the false teachings.

    I still have many family members that are JW's, so I certainly cannot hate them.

    I just hope they come to their senses soon...........and it may be these new changes again that will make them see the truth.


  • minimus

    Sometimes we forget who we were. To me, there's nothing worse than militant exJWs.

  • quietlyleaving

    I don't hate JW's but I am very, very wary of them and their extreme perspective. Is wariness an aspect of hate? I wouldn't like to think so I guess, but I can see how it could be taken to be an aspect of hatred.

  • minimus

    No, they aren't even close.

  • nvrgnbk

    We survived a cancer.

    Some, sadly, didn't make it.

    Some of us have recovered better than others.

    Some of us think we've recovered, but we can feel the effects from the disease, suddenly at times, most unexpectedly.

    Some are enjoying health and vigor like they've never experienced before.

    Regardless of our current state, it's known that a positive attitude is helpful in battling the illness.

    It would absurd to despise those that are still full of tumors and malignant growths.

    In some cases, the cancer has spread to such a degree for such a long time that they are for all practical purposes inoperable.

    But those of us that have survived can and should still love those that are dying from the disease.

    Always hoping for full recovery.

    As for the corporations that produced the carcinogens that caused the cancer, we feel loathing and contempt.

    Ironic thing is, those in the corporations are diseased too.

    Some that worked for them, even on the boards of directors, have recovered.

    They've even apologized for their role in spreading the contamination.

    One that served on one of the boards, a very respected survivor of the disease, calls his former associates "victims of victims".

  • minimus

    NVR, I don't know what's happened but you have expressed some very meaningful posts. You may not be making 200 posts a day now but the ones you're making are thought provoking! Keep up the good work here.

  • jaguarbass

    I dont hate them. I agree with what you say. I am sorry my mother ever brought home a wac tower magazine.

  • changeling

    No. Hate is a destructive emotion, nothing good comes from that.


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