Do YOU Hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    I don't know what's happened but you have expressed some very meaningful posts.

    What the hell kind of a compliment is that!?!?!?!

    Just kidding.

  • bikerchic

    No I don't hate JW's but I do hate, no make that destest the WTS for being the cult it is.

    I have many relatives whom I love very much who are a part of that cult. I was a part of it for many years and know too well how hard it is to not only get out but to even let your mind go there......

    I also have many friends who are wonderful people trapped in that cult, no I don't hate them I only wish I could help them get out or at least show them what a cult they are in, give them a chance at seeing the other side.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Of course I don't hate them......because if I did.....I would be hating myself....because I WAS A NAZIS CARD CARRYING JW myself........So I look at being just a young version of ME.

    I since I love me....I love them....make sence?

  • Twitch

    No. I don't hate anyone. It saps too much energy that is better used elsewhere.

  • stillajwexelder

    No love them - but I do not like some of the jerks in charge - especially Gerrit Loesch. I dont like the religion either - come to think of it I dont like any religion

  • flipper

    I really don't hate anyone. Nor do I hate any witnesses. For I too feel that they are in a mind controlling cult which has turned them into robots which are programmed to say and do certain things in their life, with repetition , but with no thought as to whether it is right or wrong. They are controlled and told what they should believe , and encouraged not to question it , to their own demise and peril at God's hand.

    I very much hate and dislike the hypocrisy in all religions, witnesses included, and I hate the abuse of power that the governing body exercises over this cult and it's people . And how they manipulate older ones to give of their material wealth to promote the faith, from outward appearances, but really it is being used to pay for child abuse lawsuit settlements. So, I don't hate these people, just how they are all manipulated and abused. The tactics used. I feel sorry these members are being used, and not really aware of it

  • done4good
    I hate what JWs do to families. I hate their stupid blood policy. I hate their df'ing procedures.

    These things and many others...but not the people.


  • IP_SEC
    Do YOU Hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Wouldnt that make me a hypocrite?

    Naw I dont hate them. Im over them. Why get an ulcer over them?

  • AuldSoul

    I don't hate them at all. I feel sorry for them.

    It's like "Night of the Living Dead" ... I didn't feel hatred for the zombies. They used to be people's mothers, and sisters, and brothers, and aunts, etc. What they had become was dangerous. What they had become, if left unchecked, could rob society of more mothers, and sisters, etc. Feeling sorry for them does not make them innocuous. Even though zombies are people.

    I don't feel hatred for rabid animals, either. I feel pity.

    I don't hate JWs. I hate what their diseased dogma causes them to do to each other and to other people.


  • WTWizard

    What I do hate are the leaders that are perpetuating the scam. If I could ensure Ted Jaracz a special place in Hell where he would get extra suffering, I would, since he is the one that is orchestrating much of the problem that the organization is undergoing. He is also doing much of the writing of the program that is to be implemented on the members. He is the one behind the crackdown on higher education and using independent sources in Bible research. He is the one that is pushing pioneering on children and children as young as 6 getting baptized when he could easily push up the age minimum to 18.

    I also hate those who volitionally take on themselves to hound and harass people that are trying to leave, do not want to join, or are already apostate. There is already a rule in place that one can get disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person (especially an apostate). They are supposed to have a Do Not Call list attached to the territory where such persons live. They do not need to keep checking periodically if it's still good, since the person could just as easily contact the Kingdumb Hell should they want to come in after all.

    However, I view most of the members as having fallen for a scam. Unlike a pyramid letter, they are working for their lives and salvation, not just for profit. (Which makes it even worse, since you still have to give up your time (=money) to the organization and you get nothing in return). So many need to see their way out. Most lack the ability to think on their own, since they have been told not to from a young age. I would like to see these people become ex-Witlesses.

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