Do YOU Hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I don't hate the people. I feel bad for many of them. I don't like the religion because it is a cult. I hate what the religion does to certain people. I think the religion itself is more rooted in Judaism than it is in Christianity. JWs act more like Pharisees than Christians. The people have been blinded to such a point that they can't even see how wrong it is to stop talking to a family member or dear friend simply because of a difference of opinion.

    I try not to hate anyone. I believe there are some well meaning "good" persons who happen to be Jehovah's Witnesses. These are the ones that don't accept every single thought expressed by the WT. They still know good from righteous. Unfortunately, most JWs have no real perception and therefore can't distinguish between what is really right and wrong.

  • BizzyBee

    I hate their gullibility and stupidity. I hate their blindness. I hate their sanctimonious cruelty. I hate their smirking superiority. But I don't hate THEM.

  • tere1998

    Having been totally immersed in it for many years, I don't hate them, but I feel so sorry for them.


    BIZZY BEE.....Ditto for me!


  • JeffT

    No. They have allowed to be mislead. I feel sorry for them, I wish I could wake them up, but no I don't hate them.

    The leadership of the WTBS is a different matter. They have to know they're feeding the flock BS. Either that or they're just plain insane.

  • anewme

    I feel exactly as you do Minimus.

    But I do hate the organization and wish it would crumble under its own weight of sins.

  • James Free
    James Free

    "I hate their gullibility and stupidity. I hate their blindness. I hate their sanctimonious cruelty. I hate their smirking superiority."

    That was ME once. Now I am free of the JW's and my personality has greatly improved, so my friends and family say, so I can't hate JW's, it is the religion that I hate.

  • snowbird

    I don't hate JW's. I hate what the religion does. Being a JW made me feel superior and self-righteous, and it is doing the same to my daughter.

    Christianity is the exact opposite as it shows us how to walk in the footsteps of Jesus who was lowly and mild-tempered.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    Technically speaking, there are actually two different things that could be meant by saying "Jehovah's Witnesses". We could be talking about the individual members as people, or speaking of the religion as a whole.

    Each person on this planet is different. I don't like when many differant people are all lumped into one big group. Life is just not that simple. There are very nice JWs, there are JWs that are not nice. The same goes for people of all religions, ages, races, whatever.

    People have a right to believe whatever they want to believe. I may totally disagree with what they believe, but I don't hate them for it.

    On the other hand, just because you believe you are correct in your opinions doesn't mean you have the right to take away peoples personal freedoms. This is what the cults do, and this is what I do hate.

  • minimus

    well said, Drew!

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