week long elders training class for 08 confirmed

by isaacaustin 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • quietlyleaving

    I think I'll book a holiday

  • avidbiblereader

    GGG show him the scripture at

    1Tim 5:8 tell him that you and your children have other needs, ask him which one scripturally comes first, the family or the org and its policies?

    Wish you the best but dont count on anything but sitting back home, penny pinching.


  • hubert



  • willyloman
    There is not a single doubt in my mind that by sending Elders through this school they aim to puff up their egos. They want their men to be more organizational, and this school aims to do just that.

    One of the reasons I left was when we were all invited to a special meeting in, oh, maybe 2002. It was for elders and their wives only. This had never been done before and we all thought there was going to be some major "new light" revealed. There was rampant speculation throughout the congos (and here on JWD, which in those days I had just begun to read).

    What actually happened was: Ted Jaracz got up and welcomed everyone, then said: "There's been a great deal of speculation about this meeting." He looked around, waited for the reaction, then went on. "Well, brothers, you should never try to second-guess Mother."

    This was met with nervous laughter. After that, it was a two hour sales meeting about booking your tour for the international conventions ahead.


    We may have felt special on the drive down to the convention site. But on the way home, we felt used.

  • Erace

    February 4th, huh? At least now we know that Armageddon won't be before then! I think it will be 3 days about how to keep publishers from leaving after the talk, "Oops, we meant the 2014 generation, not 1914." 1 day about how great and special it is to be an elder and the final day will be the outline of what they tell the congregation they talked about for 5 days. Gotta bring some new light home!

  • tijkmo

    i wonder if they will have demonstrated how to serve on a judicial commitee..

    in all my years as an elder i attended several elders schools - meetings - etc etc

    at no one did i ever see demonstrated how to serve on a judicial commitee.


    not once..

  • skeeter1

    Day 1 - You are specially chosen by the angels and Jah to be an elder Day 2 - Shepharding our Children (i.e. Legal Cover Your and Our Ass on Pedophilia Reporting) Day 3 - Shepharding the Sick (Legal Cover Your and Our Ass on Blood Deaths) Day 4 - Shepharding Proper Fellowship (Why the Internet is to be avoided, teaching the young against college, teaching the flock to accept the "strobe" as new light.) Day 5 - Picnic at the Farm - See it now before we sell it (to pay for legal suit problems).

  • RollerDave

    If this whole debacle is to make the elders better 'company men' and toe the line better, I have to wonder how this will affect my relationship with my sister Mrs PO and her husband, Mr PO.

    Oddly enough, they treat me better and more like a human being than family members that have never been or are no longer associated with the JW's.

    I don't know what culpability MR PO bears for whatever goes on in the KH, and there was bad blood between us some time back, but all has been forgiven both ways around the time my father passed on.

    If they emphasize avoiding association with known apostates/opposers, it could cause me trouble when I need to deal with them to fix their pc's and care for our aged mother.

    Gotta wonder if he'll come back spiritually energized to shun the hell outta me.

    Hope not, but we'll see.


  • truthsetsonefree

    One of my chief arguments when I turned in my elder resignation was that I did not know
    the Governing Body, I knew nothing of how they work, I really didn't even know their names.
    I could no longer promote their doctrines without a better understanding of that.

    The elders would think about me now. "If only Bro. OTWO waited until this grand privilege
    came about. He could learn the things he was having trouble with. Well, at least we will
    know those things now. OTWO may have been right. Jehovah saw this need on the part
    of elders and is addressing it. I am certain that we will get a better understanding of the
    Governing Body and it's operations. Isn't this organization marvelous?"

    Something similar here. I also complained about the lack of elder training. Of course I meant professional training, but I can see my old colleagues thinking how I should have waited for the new light.

    Isaac Carmignani

  • truthsetsonefree

    My husband is an elder, and I'm sure he'll attend. So we are expected to pay airfare, lost wages, and other expenses so he can fly there and get his ego boosted?? We have a ton of other expenses that we need to pay!!

    I'm already mad about all the money he spends driving in service (he ALWAYS drives), back and forth to meetings, new suits and shirts, less time at home and with the family.... And now he's going to be going away for a week!! I'm so mad...


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