week long elders training class for 08 confirmed

by isaacaustin 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • JulieM

    It was Service Meeting night at my hall last night, I expect this would have been announced there. I'll bet that some of the elders would have been smiling, but their wives would have been smiling more at the prospect of a week away from them.

  • changeling

    I wonder how many witness families will have to forgo their vacation because Elder Daddy has to use his time going to Patterson for the all improtant Elder School?

    "Put first the Kingdom..."

    Ahhh, childhood memories...


  • OnTheWayOut

    Wow, I just had a thought.

    One of my chief arguments when I turned in my elder resignation was that I did not know
    the Governing Body, I knew nothing of how they work, I really didn't even know their names.
    I could no longer promote their doctrines without a better understanding of that.

    The elders would think about me now. "If only Bro. OTWO waited until this grand privilege
    came about. He could learn the things he was having trouble with. Well, at least we will
    know those things now. OTWO may have been right. Jehovah saw this need on the part
    of elders and is addressing it. I am certain that we will get a better understanding of the
    Governing Body and it's operations. Isn't this organization marvelous?"

    Of course they won't learn squat about the GB. CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE did teach me
    almost everything I was lacking. Freeminds.org taught me the names of these cult leaders.
    The elders will be more deluded than ever. They will think more of themselves and how the
    holy spirit operates through them. Promise them love and support and a greater reward in
    Fantasy Land Paradise. That's all they need to hear to keep cracking the whip for the master
    upon the other slaves.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    The elders would think about me now. "If only Bro. OTWO waited until this grand privilege came about. He could learn the things he was having trouble with. Well, at least we will know those things now. OTWO may have been right. Jehovah saw this need on the part of elders and is addressing it. I am certain that we will get a better understanding of the Governing Body and it's operations. Isn't this organization marvelous?"

    This is the point I was making above. By giving Elders a special look into the organization it would help them remain firm against the idea that many criticize them form, mainly that they don't really know anything about the inner workings of their organization.

    Just like the Proclaimers books gives a JW the false idea that he knows his religions history, this special school could be a way to make Elders think they really 'know' the inside of the org.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    How about the 4-week elder schools back in the 60's? A friend of ours had a business that he had to let someone else run, he had a wife and 5 children at home, and they had to fend for themselves. He still talks about what a fool he was.

    But it does sound like they are cracking down as though they haven't enough already.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Once again, JWD scoops the local congregation elder bodies. Cheers to all those with inside connections that immediately share it with the rest of us!

    Man, I'm glad I don't have to deal with that BS any longer.

    I agee that it is a ploy to "encourage" the remaining elders since they have lost so many in the last decade.

  • minimus

    What's a week for Jehovah???

  • oompa
    OTWO: One of my chief arguments when I turned in my elder resignation was that I did not know
    the Governing Body, I knew nothing of how they work, I really didn't even know their names.
    I could no longer promote their doctrines without a better understanding of that.

    By the way OTWO, I just read you experience of waking and fading, then some of your old posts because of our similarites. My fade really speeded up as well. Anyway, I posted recently somewhere about your comment above. Dubs seem to thing GB and FDSC are the same. We really hear way more about what the Faithful Slave are doing/saying/thinking, like they all have input. No way has this ever taken place, not by phone, telegraph, mail. It is just a very few men that claim to act for all the rest of FDS. And as many know, that phrase had given me the heebie jeebies for years. Just two cents....oompa

  • grassyknoll07

    Yes, this is confirmed. POs will be invited first. A follow up letter will be sent requesting individual PO availability. It sounds like attendance will be based on individual availability, not seniority. The school is only available in English. This will exclude most of the spanish POs. CO said they should be able to train all the english speaking POs in 2008. No mention about expenses.

  • Mary

      • First class begins February 4, 2008.
      • Runs for 5 days, from Monday morning through Friday afternoon.
      • To be held at Patterson.
      • School begins at 8:00 each day, attendees have the "privileges" of "sharing in morning worship" and attending the Monday evening "family Watchtower study".
      It should come with a warning not to drive or operate heavy machinery after attending.

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