Did Anybody Besides Me CHOOSE Not to Respond??

by journey-on 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Journey On,

    I'm outta here for now. END OF THREAD.

    Did it actually have a beginning?


  • Twitch


    I don't choose to not respond on a thread that has no opinion of matters of things that do matter to those we may not know in ways we cannot think of.

    I'm sorry but not really. If one does and says nothing, nothing happens and decisions are made for you. Conversely, if you don't have anything nice to say, yadda yadda yadda.

    Life is strange is it not?

    Not since the last great debate on god/no god has such a topic stirred the online collective mind of JWD, (ironic pun intended)

    I don't really have a point here, just rambling. Feel free to call me on it. I don't mind.

    Anyways, as the vaunted and proliferous Mr Flipper says,

    Peace out.


  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I did not see the video and have just now heard of it. Obviously, I don't come here as much as I used to in the past. However, I find it odd that persons are getting bent out of shape because someone started a little poll. Here on JWD there are tons of topics started, questions asked and polls and I doubt that everyone always know why they started a poll, asked a question or started a topic. Most of the time I find that it is a way of getting to know the people you are chatting with. I have seen topics on "what kind of music do you like", "what is your favorite food" etc. If everyone was like me on JWD and very rarely started a topic or even posted a comment, even one that people are not too interested in, then there really wouldn't be a JWD anymore. If you don't like the thread and the motives you see behind it or don't see, leave the thread. Why get angy?

    Just my opinion, but you know what they say about opinions...


  • hillary_step

    Lo Wots Yer Name,

    If you don't like the thread and the motives you see behind it or don't see, leave the thread. Why get angy?

    I can only speak for myself and I am not angry in the least. The only anger that I have seen expressed on this thread is from Journey On who seems to have a penchant for this sort of behavior as soon as they are challenged. I hope that he/she has calmed down a little.

    I just wanted to know what this thread is about, and as its originator does not seem to have a clue themselves, I remarked on this.

    Do you know what it is about? It seems that Journey On wished to prove, as a matter of experimentation, that some people respond to threads and others do not.

    Rocket science in action. ;)


  • nvrgnbk
    Do you know what it is about?

    It would appear that it is being suggested that the whole thing was a hoax.

    My dos centavitos.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I responded but without voicing an opinion. Does that count?



  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    Hey Journey-On...I have no doubt that you got an A in Ethics class and understood Lord of the Flies the first time.

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