Favourite 80s video game

by 5thGeneration 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen

    Donkey Kong (wasted hours and countless $$ on that one)


    and the classic, Pin-ball.

    Man that takes me back!

  • exwitless

    Donkey Kong

    River Raid


    Has anyone ever heard of the original Atari game called Lost Luggage? I think I'm the only one who ever owned it.


  • brinjen
    Has anyone ever heard of the original Atari game called Lost Luggage? I think I'm the only one who ever owned it.

    No, sound good though. What was the game about?

  • MadTiger

    Thank me later:

    Go to the downloads section after you read about the free emulator for your nostalgia fix:


  • MadTiger

    You search with your favorite search engines for your ROM images in the "usual" manner.


    MAME digdug
    MAME missile command
    MAME donkey kong

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom


    Remember? The one with the ball shaped sphere and three tiny red buttons?

    That was my game!

    My other favorite was TEMPEST

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • exwitless

    Lost Luggage was a very simple game. There were little airplanes that flew across the top edge of the screen. They would start dropping little suitcases out and all of their contents would fall out. The controller moved a little open suitcase back and forth across the bottom of the screen, trying to catch the clothing in the suitcase before they hit the ground. The more clothes you caught, the more points you got. As you progressed, the clothes would fall faster and faster, until you just couldn't keep up.

    My brother and I always used to giggle when these little bras and underwear would come falling down. It was a silly game, but it was fun.

  • Leolaia

    At the arcade:

    Tempest was by far my favorite. I also liked Marble Madness, Dig Dug, Ms. Pacman.

    At home:

    Adventure was by far my favorite. Also I played Pacman, Pinball, Space Invaders, and Backgammon a lot too.

    God bless Professor Fun and the Fun Factory!

  • RisingEagle

    My dad used to bring home a computer that he and some coworkers put together from kits that were available for purchase from ads in the back of early computer magazines. It resembled the old TRS-80 in form and function but probably didn't have as much memory. His coworkers were just getting their feet wet with the old BASIC language and used to program games that were listed line by line in the mags. When they found a game they liked and wanted to keep they hooked up a cassette player to the computer and recorded the program onto a tape. Eventually, they started sharing these tapes around the various offices from around the country. Once, when it was our turn to have the computer checked out to our house he brought a tape of a program someone had sent to his office called 'Lode Runner'. I know there have been many different versions of that game since but that early one hooked me hard into computer games. I must have spent hours making that simple little pixel man run up and down ladders trying to avoid getting stuck and trying to get the ascii piles of gold. Good times.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Golden Axe
    Hell Yeah! Gilius Thunderhead rocked!

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